

do you guys recomend a tank that has overflows built in, or hang on the back of the tank overflows? i have heard the overflows that are built into the tank make alot of noise. is their any way to reduce the noise?


Active Member
My built-in overflows make no noise whatsoever. I prefer these much more because they will not break siphon when power goes out and then comes back on.


Active Member
Built in overflows are the way to go. If noise is a problem Stockman Stand Pipes will solve it.


Active Member
Overflows? I'm sorry to butt in on your post but...Is this overflow that hangs on the back of the tank for a refugium? I trying to get info on how to build a refugium not having to drill holes or using a hangon refugium. Can you guys help me out, or just post something on my post...."Refugium Help" Thanks