Tap water for a water change ?


If you use tap water (city water) for a water change, how long should you allow your new mix to sit prior to introducing it to your tank. :thinking: Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WEBER518
If you use tap water (city water) for a water change, how long should you allow your new mix to sit prior to introducing it to your tank. :thinking: Thanks in advance.
You can use tap water....... ONCE it goes through your RO/DI filter...


Active Member
and/or you use a softener/dechlorinator. Its cheaper and easier to just buy the water from you LFS if you dont need a large quantity. Otherwise youll have to buy a RO unit.


i do not have or know what a ro / di filter is ? I have been using tap water for top off my tank but that has only been small quantities and i have waited at least 24 hours prior to topping off (meaning i let the water sit in a container). Please let me know if i can allow the water to sit or should i be doing something else for water changes.


The contaminates in Tap very from city to city, but if your willing to deal with the build-up later then mix it and let it sit for at LEAST 24 hours. At most, if it's circulating and kept dark, it can sit for weeks.


what build up are you talking about ? also what do you mean if kept dark and circulated it can be kept sitting for weeks ? Not trying to be funny or a smart @#$ i just dont understand what you are saying.


Well-Known Member
Even the purest tap water has hundreds of contaminants in very low concentration. However, when water evaporates from you tank, it leaves these contaminants behind. When you add top off water to make up for the evaporation, you are adding more contaminants, over and over again every time you top off. Eventually, those small amounts of contaminants aren't so small, and you can achieve toxic levels of some of them. That is why everyone here is recommending to you that you use RODI water - it is very pure, and you don't have to worry about contaminants accumulating in your tank. Using tap water for water changes is a different story. It isn't about accumulation of micro-contaminants, but the presence of things like phosphate, copper and other stuff. Phosphate encourages algae growth, copper can harm invertebrates, etc. People just want you to be able to avoid that. Water treatments remove the chlorine from tap water, but leave all the other stuff.


i have used only tap water from the day i have started with my tank.i top my tank off with water i just got 5 minutes before i put it in. i have had no problems with my water. i do add a couple chemicals to the water such as ph stuff and declorinator. i do know that cities can vary in thier water treatment so what might work for me might not for u. just thought i say that sometimes ro/di units are not always needed


Originally Posted by WEBER518
what build up are you talking about ? also what do you mean if kept dark and circulated it can be kept sitting for weeks ? Not trying to be funny or a smart @#$ i just dont understand what you are saying.
Geridoc explained what I meant about it building up. As far as keepin it dark... If you mix a fresh batch of saltwater and leave it exposed to light, it will grow algae in it. Maybe even turn green depending on how much light it gets. Since it's tap, it's nutrient rich already, adding light actually adds more nutrients so it will grow algae.


Originally Posted by puffer9006
i have used only tap water from the day i have started with my tank.i top my tank off with water i just got 5 minutes before i put it in. i have had no problems with my water. i do add a couple chemicals to the water such as ph stuff and declorinator. i do know that cities can vary in thier water treatment so what might work for me might not for u. just thought i say that sometimes ro/di units are not always needed
You say you add "ph stuff". Curious as to what that is and why you add it. I get that your ph is most likely low, but do you know why, since just about every salt mix, when mixed properly with pure water will give you a ph of around 8.2-8.3. Saying "you have had no problems" is vague and most likely incorrect. Saying you haven't recognized the problems would be more accurate.
Cities do vary in their "treatment", but all city water has contaminates like phosphates, lead, magnesium, trates, etc...
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New Member
you shouldn't be mixing your top off water with anything, you should use a declorinator like prime or start right.... what are you currently mixing your top
off water with?


We are talking about NJ tap here. Do NOT us that in your tank. Plain and simple. Go to wallmart and pick up some RO water for .30 a gallon.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
We are talking about NJ tap here. Do NOT us that in your tank. Plain and simple. Go to wallmart and pick up some RO water for .30 a gallon.
agreed, that's what I did to fill the tank up...try lifting 60 gallons up 3 flights of steps..it sucked! LOL Yeah, agreed though, don't use tap water...chlorine and salt water fish not a good idea.

mr. green

Originally Posted by WEBER518
how about those britia water filters ? Any good, better, just as good, what do you think :notsure:

Brita only uses a charcoal filter to better taste, take out a LITTLE chlorine. It will not purify your water or remove hardness, COD, Metals, etc. You need an RO/DI to give your tank the pure water it needs. Or, go to walmart and buy the water. Also, your LFS usually will sell pure water from there system.
Brita's usually only are for processing little amounts of water at a slow pace for drinking. Not filling up a fish tank or top off. You will spoil out the filter very quickly.


thanks mr green and everyone else, i will be heading out to home depot and also checking ---- for a ro filter.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
You say you add "ph stuff". Curious as to what that is and why you add it. I get that your ph is most likely low, but do you know why, since just about every salt mix, when mixed properly with pure water will give you a ph of around 8.2-8.3. Saying "you have had no problems" is vague and most likely incorrect. Saying you haven't recognized the problems would be more accurate.
Cities do vary in their "treatment", but all city water has contaminates like phosphates, lead, magnesium, trates, etc...
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city water is know where close to 8 in the ph so if i top my tank off i change the ph in the water so it matches the tank. and by saying i have had know problems i mean thier has not been anything wrong with my tank to want me to go and buy a ro/di filter. i thought about it but it just doesnt make sense to me to buy one if thier is know problem as of now.