Tap water = mandarin's dream!


Active Member
I bet they will live fine. I think one of the newspaper articles quotes someone saying something like "you can STILL see them in there", so I'm guessing they had been sitting out for awhile.
Do you have a test kit for chlorine? I am super curious about that.


Active Member
well, either his water isn't as infected or he filtered the water he gave me (which i specifically asked him not to) but after about half of it i havent seen one copepod :(

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
well, either his water isn't as infected or he filtered the water he gave me (which i specifically asked him not to) but after about half of it i havent seen one copepod :(
Did you check under a microscope?


Active Member
what 34 yo has a microscope? besides rich scientific types?
people were able to see the copepods... so nope, i just was looking through a clean glass


Well-Known Member
Hey. I'm only 32, but I'm neither rich, nor overly scientific. And yet I have a scope. The ones at school are better tho.
Hmm. What does this "G" on my forhead stand for?? ;-)


Active Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies
Hey. I'm only 32, but I'm neither rich, nor overly scientific. And yet I have a scope. The ones at school are better tho.
Hmm. What does this "G" on my forhead stand for?? ;-)
hehe, i said 34 yo... :p