Tap water purifier


I had a question about a Tap water purifier that I saw at a couple of places here it is.
go to water filtration and carbon
then to tap water filter
Have you heard anything good or bad about this? Will this actually help out purify the water for my SW tank?
I know that a RO system is probably better but I don't have the funds yet.
Also, is this better than nothing?


I borrowed one from a friend until I can get a RO/DI setup (cant afford one now). It does improve the water quality from your tap. It claims to be as good or better than RO, but i'm not sure. Whatever it does, it succeeded in lowering my tap ph from 8.2 to 7.0 It will also removes some of the metals and all detectable chlorine from my water.
I guess if your tap water has "issues", than this is definately better than nothing...
Hope this helps, I am still new at this, and like I said I still plan on getting an RO/DI unit when I can afford one.


if you want a compromise between cost and effectiveness there's also barebones RO systems. they're cheaper than regular units by half, which makes thme also twice as expensive as tap water purifiers, but i'd guess they're better. that's just a theoretical, i've never used either.


They usually run about $35 and are good for 50-150 gallons before the filter needs replacing. The filters are minimum $16. I use about 50-60 gallons/month for top off and water changes. Do the math...they are not worth it...more expensive in the long run.


New Member
I have one of these and so far so good. I ran phosphate, Nitrate, and alk test after using this and they read
phosphate = 0
nitrate = 0
Alk = 0
and then I ran a phosphate test on my tap water and it read:
phosohate = 1
Before I bought it I did some research and called a water purification company who dealt mostly with water made for humans (Not fish) and he knew about the "Tap Water Filter" he said it was helpfull and the water produced would be better then distilled water and also better then water run through a RO unit and not a DI. He also said if you bought a RO unit later to use in conjunction with the Tap Water Filter that it wouldnt work right because the Tap Water Filter is not colbarated for normal RO units.
He also said something I found really interesting. He said pure water does not conduct electricity. He said he had been to siminars where they would drop a big color TV (that was on) inside a big tank of pure water and the TV would run fine. He said its the ionic charges within water that conduct electricity.
I bough my Tap Water Filter for 25 dollars at DrFostersandSmith (They were selling it for 30 dollars and I told them BigAlsonline.com had it for 25 dollars and they matched their price) and I bought an extra filter for 15 dollars.
I beleive the cost comes down to about 15 cents a gallon if you get 50 gallons out of your filter (The instructions on the unit say it is not uncommen to get as low as 12-15 gallons out of each filter) I got about 150 gallons out of my 1st filter.
WARNING!!! HERE IS THE BIGGEST DOWNSIDE!!!! It comes with this little adapter you put on your sink, and there is a little hole in the adapter that you fit a little tube on that goes into the Tap Water Filter. Then there is a little button you can push and depending on which way you push it the water will either come out of the tube and into the filter, or the water will skip the filter and just run into the sink like a normal faucet.....
Well, about 4 nights in a row after I made my DI water, I would take the filter off and store it under my tank but I kept forgetting to take off that adapter or atleast push that button so it would run as a normal faucet....the following mornings (let me say again...mornings!) my wife would wake up and go downstairs to make Coffee. She would turn on the sink full blast and she would be blasted with water! She was tired and it took her a good 20 seconds to figure she needs to turn the sink off... Morning number 3 my wife screems "BRYYYAAANNNNN!!!!!"
Thats all,


Active Member
LOL.....same thing happened to me Spruce.....I am now under strict orders by the Sec. Of Defense to disarm the sink faucet and remove the Scud Water Missle :D


LOL...same thing happens to me with mine...everytime when i set it up i make a conscious decision to push the button back, but inevitably i forget and spray my whole kitchen.....i have stopped getting mad about it and just shake my head......btw, i have had a positive experience with this way of purifying, and have heard of others who like theirs....if it is more expensive than r/o units in the long run or whatever, i don't know....i have quickly found that saving money and being in this hobby do NOT go hand in hand.....i am new though, so i am sure some more experienced members can offer more sound advice....this is just my experience...


My water quailty here is really good. So this might be a little unusual. But, I'm getting great results so far. I've done aleast 10 of the 5 gallon jugs, 2 10 gallon water changes on my thirty, and filled my 75 up twice so far. It's still putting out good results. I paid like $45 of ---- including shipping. $45/220gallons=.20 cents a gallon so far and still going. It might be more expensive in the long run, but it cheaper right now!