tap water start up


Active Member
I did not buy an R/O system, i just bought the R/O water from my local pet store for 40 cents a gallon - or you can buy it from walmart for i think around 50 cents. So for a 55 gallon tank you spend 30 bucks on water - big deal. You'll spend Five times as much easily on LR which you should have for SW.
I was just making the observation that if you are going to be worried about money - SW probably shouldn't be your hobby. And with that hobby the water (initially) is one of the cheaper investments for the tank. Once again just my two cents other people will have a different opinion.



Oh i got ya. I wasnt trying to be rude or anything to that nature i was just wondering about the price. That does sound like a very smart idea. I think thats the way for me to go for now with my 75.


Active Member
I'm not sure, i'm new into SW and for creating your own R/O water system I would not have any idea to what is a good price. I would start a new thread asking that question - then people can weigh in on prices