tap water w/dechlorinator okay?


New Member
I regularly use tap water with dechlorinator when adding water to my 55g fowlr and I was just curious if the dechlorinator really does detoxify everything or if I'd be much better off purchasing RO water from my lfs. I live in Denver where there seems to be a lot of chlorine in the tap water normally and I want to make sure my fish as as unstressed as possible.


Active Member
definetly RO. Do a search here, you will see that most use it and find their tanks in much better shape once they start using it.


I agree, go with RO/DI if at all possible, but I was once in a bind and used a PUR water filter on my tap and treated with Nova Aqua, or Stress Coat (whatever I had at the time) and had very few problems. I might have just been lucky though.


I don't know about your tank but if it evaporates as much as mine does, you'll be much better off in the long run buying your own RO/DI water system. I got one off ---- for 125 bucks. That included the shipping. I'd have to say that considering everything I purchased for this tank, this was most cost effective. Not only do I have all the H20 I need for my tank, my family and I use it everyday as well.