Tap Water...water changes?


Is there any truth to this...If i set aside tap water in a covered bucket and leave it to sit for a few days that the bad things in the tap water go away? I'm going to use my LFS ro water but i was just wondering?


No, the bad sediments will remain in there. I think any chlorine might evaporate but I might be wrong about that part.


Active Member
I think it would still be there. Even if the deposits in the water settle, it's still in the bucket. Just my $0.02.


Active Member
That's what a started with but I got an early RO/DI unit for Christmas. I have friends that use additives on their tap water and only a few have had bad red algae breakouts. I think he is asking if you can use tap water w/o anything if you let it sit for a few days.


Active Member
Where would it go??
Am-Quel is one of the worse things you could use... just get purified water so you don't have to worry about it.


Active Member
Thats why I went with the RO/DI method. I spent $109 for a brand name unit off a certain auction site for a 6 stage unit with a 4 gallon reserve tank. My TDS meter reads 0-2 so it seems to be working great. It's also nice not to have to add additives. I am using the additives on my freshwater tabk (very old fish and not looking well


Originally Posted by ReefNut
Where would it go??
Am-Quel is one of the worse things you could use... just get purified water so you don't have to worry about it.

if am-quel is that bad, why do half the people on here tell us to use it ?
I only used it during my cycle, for top off and water changes , I use tap water...
and my water is puurrrrrrfect


Active Member
I used Amquel because of my book (Conscientious Hobbyist) and Aqua C recommended it. I just thought it may be easier to go with the RO unit. I know the ? probably wasn't for me butIi felt like replying...waiting for the kid to go to bed so I ...uhhh...I mean Santa can come to the house!


not every body's tap water is of same quality, i use ro water simply because some of the pipes in my house are made of copper some places put floride in the water as well. as i belive chlorine will evaporate but everything else won't


Originally Posted by Meekel454
not every body's tap water is of same quality, i use ro water simply because some of the pipes in my house are made of copper some places put floride in the water as well. as i belive chlorine will evaporate but everything else won't
ohhh never thought of this. i use an RO unit in my house but i do not know if the pipes are copper or not, How can you tell, and is this a very bad thing or not a worry. dont want to copper poison my tank if it is a problem.


depends on age really of your house, plus where u live. depending on how the house is arrange at some point in the house you should be able to see the pipes. first house i had there were all steel cept some some fittings/pipes for the hot water heater. this house just happens to be half copper/steel not sure if it's possible problem or not, just didn't want to take the chance the pipes in this house are about 20 years old. the water quality here in town in some of the best in the country as far as crap in the water when pumped from the ground goes, but i still use ro water. i can get it from the lfs for 25 cents a gallon if i bring the jugs in.


i was just wondering...my mom told me that when she used to have a tank (back in the day) she used to let the water sit for a few days and it was fine but then again it was only a goldfish tank so.......
...i only wondered b/c i had a few days b4 i go to the LFS again and i though that if it worked i would just do that but i will get RO water from the LFS...
...while i got lazy with my tank i kept topping it off with tap water which came from the well and i never got a breakout of anything...guess i was lucky, but after letting the tank go for 6 months i'm trying to bring it back and my next step is beginning the water changes again and then finally replacing the ligh bulbs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrazyK
if am-quel is that bad, why do half the people on here tell us to use it ?
I only used it during my cycle, for top off and water changes , I use tap water...
and my water is puurrrrrrfect
Am-quel does not get rid of metals in your water.
By using tap water you are slowly introducing metals, minerals, etc. into your tank. At some point this will be an issue. It HAS to be. "Mass cannot be created or destroyed" Law is in effect here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrazyK
if am-quel is that bad, why do half the people on here tell us to use it ?
I only used it during my cycle, for top off and water changes , I use tap water...
and my water is puurrrrrrfect
Who is telling you that from here?? Please define puurrrrrrfect??


Active Member
The point is problems won't automatically be seen.
Using unfiltered water leads to "bad" things slowly being introduced into your tank. Water changes dilute it, but over time the toxins will reach critical point. This can lead to tanks seemingly in great conditions for years suddenly "crashing".


When you consider the cost of the livestock, the cost of a decent RO filter is well worth it. Why take the chance on tap water?


Originally Posted by ReefNut
Who is telling you that from here?? Please define puurrrrrrfect??

my ammonia is 0
nitrates 0
nitrites 0
water is crystal clear and everything in there is doing well for some time now ...