Tap water!


Active Member
I fill up plastic jugs at walmart at the RO machine. When I am too lazy or forget to put the jugs into the jeep, I buy distilled water. I have noticed no difference in quality or effect on my tank. They both seem to work equally well. :)


Actually, the DI, in ro/di, stands for deionized. I think the DI is often confused with distilled. Distillation is a different process than Deionization. I am not sure what the readings are on distilled water, they are probably better than on tap but I am not sure that they are up to par with reverse osmosis/deionized water.


Active Member
As far as distiled water being better or worse the RO, it all depends on how good the unit you are using for either is.. The RO water or Distilled or even the DI water that most people get and use for their aquariums can vary quite a bit. Your best bet is to test what is available to you and see what works best in your situation.
As far as the inital question I have been using tap water, filtered through a faucet mounted brita filter.... it doesn't work very well for me which is why I am finally getting myself a RO unit.... My tank has been up for 8 months or more, I don't quite remember so I guess it is possible to use tap water but of course, who would want to??
Also I've looked into the cost a bit and it seems like I will be saving money with a RO unit because I won't spend any money on water conditioners or as many brita filters..