Tap Water ??



Could I use tap water with a water conditioner to cycle my tank then use ro/di for the water changes after the cycle had ended?

thanks in advance.


Active Member
A lot of people do. The only thing you need to be aware of is that tap water usually contains a level of phosphate that may cause some nasty algea outbreak in the future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Save yourself the headache and use RO from day 1.. JMO
My first tank I used tap for the original fillup and like 2 weeks afterwards, before switching to RO. The tank wasn't 'right' for several months afterwards.
There's always going to be 'stuff' in your tap that you don't want in your tank.


Active Member
i agree. try to start off right, that way it is one less issue u hv to deal with later on.


Active Member
I used treated tap water in S. Carolina for 5 years and didn't have a bad algae issue, I just started a new tank here in Arizona, and I am ready to get a RO this week....BAD ALGAE ISSUE, seems some water is better than others.


how do u tell if your water is safe to use
is there a website?


you can do a water test. The test is for tds ( total disolved solid) you want this to be as close to 0 as possible. I live in the Bronx. Our water is great but still use conditioner and I'm getting an ro/di. Or you can use distiled water


if you would by some chance have Detroit city water as i do it is some of the cleanest water in the states (there was a big thing a few years ago because someone was gonna bottle it out of the tap)
this is just what i have heard and read.