I would like to take this as an experience sharing here
you are right, not all of the Tar ballasts are making hum noise.
I have run a Tar ballast from Advance to fire 2x110 VHO bulbs in the past. I have to replaced the bulbs every 6 months. Seen after I switched to the e-ballast the light output seem brighter (well I have no prove of such, no light meter) but it's seem that way.
And You are also right on "if it does not brake don't fix it". I'm a programmer, that's what I keep telling my manager and customers
Seen If some one trying to set up a new tank and the cost for the e-ballast are equal or few bucks more expensive than the tar ballast, I/we would recommend the e-ballast, right?
Just for my knowledge
How often do you replace your bulbs? I believed that you are running Tar ballasts to fire MH bulbs.
I also believed that TAR ballast for MH is somewhat better then TAR ballast for VHO. I never have any experience with TAR ballast for MH. I know alot of hobbist out there using them, but not many have experience with e-ballast for MH. It would be great to have your input.
I think, I'm talking about VHO ballast and you are talking about the MH ballast. We are not compare apple to apple here