Tassle Filefish


New Member
I just found a Tassle FileFish on the internet and I am wondering if anyone knows anything about them especilly there hardyness and there eating habits!?!?!?!? :confused: :confused:


LionFish says.......
Well, I can tell you that TileFish are generally not that hardy and this one isn't very hardy at all. Cool little fish but they aren't good to have in an aggressive tank. They are rather peaceful but they basically need a species tank because they eat corals, which means they can't be in a reef tank. They also are small, slow-swimming fish which have a peaceful disposition which means they can't be in an aggressive tank. They need to be with other small, slow-swimming fish such as Boxfish, clowns, and other small peaceful fish. If you plan on getting anything but a tank made for them then I would not recommend these fish. Again, they aren't hardy and seem to be quite supcepptible to diseases, most commonly ich. They also are very shy and sometimes die from starvation. I've looked into one in the past, but I don't want to have to make a tank that is based on this one fish.


LionFish says......
Not to sound rude but DID YOU READ MY POST AT ALL? If you did, you would know it shouldn't be kept with any aggressive fish. I'm pretty sure I had made that clear. But if I didn't here ya go. Tassle Filefish shouldn't be kept with aggressive fish. This includes Pork Puffers and Dragon Wrasses. So, no, it wouldn't work. They need to be kept with small, non-aggressive fish.


Active Member
I have had a number of tassles and all but the last one did not make it to long. The last one lived for a number of months with just 1 tankmate but when I moved it into a larger tank with 4 other fish it did ok for a few weeks then suddenly died. I tend to agree with Lionfishes thoughts on this fish. It would be a great fish with say fire gobies or dwarf angels but with any active fish it tends to waste away. Believe it or not it is considered a member of the same family as Triggerfish and there is a resemblence of sorts but the disposition of the 2 are very different.


I have kept many tassles as well, always got them as juvis and grew them up in reefs, they never touched a coral in any of my tanks, very cool fish.. they often die for no reason after eating very well for quite a long time, which really pisses me off. they can not be kept with any puffer or trigger because they will chew the tassles off the fish..


New Member
THanks, i guess its off my wanted list, oh yeah, sorry bout that lion its just that I dont think of puffers and wrasses as too agressive since i have sharks :eek: