Tasty Crab Legs!


Turned on my lights this morning to inspect everyone in the tank, and found that my sally lightfoot is missing both his front claws, and one of his back legs!!!!! I have had a blue tang in with him for three weeks, and he isn't big enough to pester him. However, I am taking care of 2 clownfish and two damsels (a slightly large 4 stripe is my guess on who may have thrown on a bib a decided to get out the crab leg crackers...)
My question is: Will my sally be okay? Is he going to be able to survive, or even regrow his missing limbs? And if he can't protect himself without his claws, should I find someplace for him to stay?


Active Member
Assuming nobody tries to make more of a meal of him the missing appendages will be regrown with the next molt. I'd put my money on the damsels as well...if you're concerned about sally perhaps put her (or better yet, put the damsel) in a critter keeper in the tank until the damsels get evicted or she molts and is better.


Just checked the tank just now to see if I could separate Jeffrey Dahmer... er I mean, the Damsel fish, and my Sally, and I found my poor Sally laying on the sand bed, belly up. I feel so bad about it. I know you're all gonna say that it isn't so bad, it's only a crab. But I really did like that guy, and I am sad to lose my first animal. That damsel may be next though....
Thanks for the help, leigh, I will make sure to do better and separate problems that I see in the future in a faster manner.