


I have a white dove holding an olive branch encircled by two dolphins - sorta ying/yang, world sort of thing. It is over my heart (or left



Active Member
just a snake on my arm(actually more the shoulder)that i would like to get covered soon(poor work, very poor), and a banner from my knee almost to my ankle(boht jail house, so work is not very good :( )


lol @ sammy. I could, it is not too close to unmentionables... sometime, when I have time, I'll get a pic for ya :D


I just recently got my first tattoo...It is the japanese symbol for dragon..That was on a Monday, on Friday I had a coiled dragon in black and grey underneath it!! That was 5 months ago..I am working on my third one, which is a celtic sun all black in the middle and going to red on the sun rays...I would love to add a pic of the one's I have I am very proud of them and don't regret it at all...Sammy I like the dragon tat...:)


hey reefkeeper, why not use a pic of your own reef? make it even more personal, you could take a pic, go to kinko's or something, get it how big you want it, use some tracing paper to get the rockwork and coral placement right, draw the outline, take it to the tattoo shop and let them do the shading.....save some money on the time they spend drawing it up......also take in the pic to them so they know how to shade it, thats what i plan on doing for my next one, which i kinda wanted my reef too.......only prob is when you get new corals, hehehe. ok guys, how do i post a pic cause i got mine, i tried to put it on yahoo so i could load it in this thread, but it came back saying that no open internet users could view the pic, only other yahoo members....what do you guys use to post pics?