Tax Returns!


Active Member
So the time of year is coming up soon where we all get to receive most/all of those funds that gut our paychecks. So I was thinking, time to roll it back into the tank!

Anyone else doing this? What purchases have you been thinking, "I could really use one of these," and finally will be able to get it? Just a small talk thread, sorry if its in the wrong place.


Active Member
I am finally going to get the electrican out here to put in the new breaker for the 240g.
and then what, if any, is left finish cabnit, new pump, skimmer, and lights. I think I already have everything else.


Staff member
I'd say its safe to say that with most on this forum, fish tanks will be seeing a good chunk of our tax return money.
Worthy expenditures in my book.


Staff member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I have talked hubby into a ro unit. yahhhhh no more hauling water from the lfs.

Good purchase since it actually saves money over bottled water. You may want to also get a duel unit that will connect as well to your refrigerator. Humans need clean water too....

al mc

Active Member
What we all need is a physician's note indicating we need to have a swf tank because looking at it decreases high blood pressure/stress. Thus, it is a prescibed medical treatment and can be tax deductible.

A friend of mine says he is doing this. However, I have a feeling that the IRS would not allow this deduction.


Active Member
Wow that one seems like a bit of a stretch haha. As long as he doesnt get audited then more power to him
. I know mines going to a new lighting fixture. Byebye garbage PC lighting!!!


Active Member
All of mine tax return straight into fish and corals. My 125gal is up and running and Ich free (72 days fallow today). I have 55gal, 12gal, and 25gal tanks set up and running as QTs. Can't wait...


My tax return will probably not really even exist as I am a contract worker and have to pay both ends of my taxes. Good luck to the rest of you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Good purchase since it actually saves money over bottled water. You may want to also get a duel unit that will connect as well to your refrigerator. Humans need clean water too....
I was under the impression RODI water was not good for drinking, too sterile?


Active Member
Originally Posted by keith burn
Make good fuge/qt/ lighting...

Good possibility. Its only a 24 gallon, but I hope to have a 55 up and running in the future, so that could actually work for the QT. A 55 gallon FOWLR and a 24 gallon SPS tank haha.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
I was under the impression RODI water was not good for drinking, too sterile?
RO water is fine, I have heard you don't want to drink DI water though.


Active Member
Instead of loaning the government a % of my paycheck interest free, I claim as many deductions as I can and put money in the bank.


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
I know when get that check, I will be upgrading my RO/DI unit from a 250 to a 450 gal per day.
equip for 10g reef
FISH for my re-established (sp?) 55g

and my a4


Active Member
i really wish i could pour that money back into my tank but i am getting married in april i am gonna have to save it...

al mc

Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
i really wish i could pour that money back into my tank but i am getting married in april i am gonna have to save it...
This could be a relationship problem........does she like, or at least approve of your interest in swf?