Taxes-am I the only one who hasnt filed yet?


And here I sit on the message board instead of finishing up my taxes. Well, this IS more interesting!


Active Member
I filed the day I got my W2, my buddy works at the tax center down here he says its been a zoo. Sounds like your not the only one.


I think the folks who expect a refund file first-Those of us who have to pay wait till the last minute(literally) to send ours in. I sure hate writing that check every year - doing my part to help our economy!!


I just filed on the 10th. I knew we were getting a refund, but have to use it on a new septic system.
Had to wait for the weather to break to file, otherwise would have spent it all on fish stuff!


At least you have your priorities straight! I was hoping to purchase the Typhoon III RO/DI unit, but now hav to PAY TAXES instead! Oh well such is life.


Active Member
i work for an accounting firm... dont feel alone... often times people that know they have to pay get them done early and wait for the last week or day to come pick em up... you have until monday the 17th this year since the 15th is on a saturday... GOOD LUCK!!! get em filed cuz penalties and intrest hit ya quick and hard...


Originally Posted by Granny
At least you have your priorities straight! I was hoping to purchase the Typhoon III RO/DI unit, but now hav to PAY TAXES instead! Oh well such is life.
Let me just say I hate being an adult! I'm only being responsible because I have to. It's only a matter of time before our plumbing stops working entirely, so not really much of a choice. Unfortunately our refund is less than half of what we have to come up with to pay for it!
But what can you do?!?
Now next year is an entirely different story! If we get anything back next year it will be all fish!


Active Member
I always prep mine as soon as we get our last paychecks of the year (dec) then when I get all of the W2's I double check my numbers and submit them online- we got a small refund back in the first week in Feb. sickening huh. Maybe it will not be so fast when we end up paying out next year (although I think I'd rather get it over with as soon as possible anyway)


Active Member
We expect refunds as well. I filed the fed and state extensions 2 days ago. Our tax guy is in Mo, but we lived in Ohio and California last year. It was also the last year to include our 2nd home interest (in MO)....paid it off in Jan....woo-hoo!
Anyway, we're going to sit down with him when we go back in May.


Active Member
For the past 2 years my wife and I have taken our tax info to an accountant to prepare for us. Last year we received a decent refund and this year we are receiving a large refund—it seems to be money well spent.


Active Member
Receiving a large refund each year means that you are paying in too much and that Uncle Sam is making interest off your money. Its always best to break even or receive a smaller refund and invest the extra ammount saved.


If you are receiving a large refund, you are paying in too much. The government is making more interest off of your taxes. Its best to receive a small tax return and invest the difference each month into something that will pay you interest. Smaller Government = Less Taxes


sinner's girl

The government is making more interest off of your taxes.
fine by me. I view it as long term savings for me, save a little each month for a year, then get it back. money gets spent if it's in our savings account.
We filed an extenition. too lazy (me) or too busy (Sinner) to do them. have until oct now, but seeing as how we didn't make a profit last year, we should get what little husband paid back.


But you arent receiving any interest on it and do not have access to it, if you think you will spend it if it goes into your savings account then set up an allotment for it to go into a mutual fund or IRA so you never see it or miss it.
Think of it this way, would you rather keep more of your income or pay it to the government?
If you adjust your witholding so that you break even at the end of the year then take the extra ammount you recieve each month and invest it (any number of ways) into an avenue that will pay you that interest instead of the government wouldnt this benifit you more than 1 lower lump sum at the end of the year.
For example say you get a return of $1200 at the end of the year, this means that the interest on that ammount has gone to Uncle sam. Now wouldnt you rather recieve an additional $100 each month + interest, and as you put in more your interest will compound.
Your money, your choice.