I know lots of us on here use RO/DI units but after getting a TDS meter yesterday I have a few questions. I know everyones TDS values will differ from region to region but what are you guys seeing before you run your water through your RO/DI systems? What would you consider low TDS? Is there a TDS low enough where you would deem a RO/DI unit uneccesary (other than 0!)?
I tested my well water last night and the TDS was 30. I checked it at my g/f's house who is on city water and hers was 230 and I checked it at my best friends house in another city 30 miles away and his was 300. Is it really worth hooking up an RO/DI unit for a TDS reading of 30?

I tested my well water last night and the TDS was 30. I checked it at my g/f's house who is on city water and hers was 230 and I checked it at my best friends house in another city 30 miles away and his was 300. Is it really worth hooking up an RO/DI unit for a TDS reading of 30?