TDS Meter Values...

I know lots of us on here use RO/DI units but after getting a TDS meter yesterday I have a few questions. I know everyones TDS values will differ from region to region but what are you guys seeing before you run your water through your RO/DI systems? What would you consider low TDS? Is there a TDS low enough where you would deem a RO/DI unit uneccesary (other than 0!)?

I tested my well water last night and the TDS was 30. I checked it at my g/f's house who is on city water and hers was 230 and I checked it at my best friends house in another city 30 miles away and his was 300. Is it really worth hooking up an RO/DI unit for a TDS reading of 30?
If anyone has results on their non treated water please post them. I'm trying to see how good my well water is with only 30 ppm TDS.


Active Member
I think the real question is , Is there anything in my well water that could produce a TDS reading of 30 that would be harmfull to my tank?
Originally Posted by yerboy
I think the real question is , Is there anything in my well water that could produce a TDS reading of 30 that would be harmfull to my tank?
Well obviously anything unknown in your water can be bad, I was just expecting a much higher TDS value. I have already ordered a RO/DI unit, it was just the TDS meter showed up before the RO/DI unit did.


Active Member
30 does seem low, I'm on city water with a 110 reading. I'm sure most of mine is chlorine and such while yours is more clay and metals.


Active Member
Well sit down for this....
City water -- 650-800ppm depending on when I test
RO - 80ish
RO/DI - 10 or less
The last time I changed out the filters it was truly, abosuletly, amazingly disgusting. I won't drink water out of the tap anymore after getting my meter and changing out the filters. I have to change filters at least twice as often as recommended. Our city water is really bad... those with hot tubs have a lot of problems as well.


Active Member
It really depends on what those 30 particles are. You can get it tested. I think if you google AWT they test water. So you can know just in case. In all reality, water coming out of my RO unit has a tds of about that. And after the di I get a TDS of 0

florida joe

Well-Known Member
IMO 30 is extremely low for water not filtered. I would spend the money for a RO unit elsewhere as long as the 30 is a ture reading. Also remember that your RO unit is only taking out a percentage of impurities not 100% of them so a good TDS reading is predicated on what your TDS is before filtration


I use a TDS meter on my ro/di. The water going in when I tested it was like 500 ppm. So what I did was hook the tds meter on the output of the ro before it goes to the do filter. The other end is hooked up to the di side and I can tell when and what filters are starting to go bad and my output on my di side is always 0. just my .02
Originally Posted by florida joe
IMO 30 is extremely low for water not filtered. I would spend the money for a RO unit elsewhere as long as the 30 is a ture reading. Also remember that your RO unit is only taking out a percentage of impurities not 100% of them so a good TDS reading is predicated on what your TDS is before filtration

Originally Posted by stdreb27

As for what is in it, it really depends on the geological structure the water is in.
I think I am going to send off a sample just to make sure. I don't mind hooking up the RO/DI unit here but I was realistically looking to see if it would serve a purpose. The only problem I have evr had is sometimes I will have a small algae bloom on my sand bottom for a day or two after a larger water change but my CUC takes care of that in a day or so.