Teaching to Host?


Hello, I just got a pair of ORA Occelaris clowns (one orange-the female, and one black misbar-the male). They're already a pair so I don't have to worry about that. The only thing I really want is for them to host. I don't have an anemone, but I have a frogspawn, torch, hammer, and duncans? Is there any way to get them to host these instead of an anemone. I know it might be a bit of a struggle since they're ORA instead of wild caught, but I figured it's worth a shot, right? What do you guys suggest??? Thanks!


Active Member
99% of tank breed clownfish wont host anemones. ur chances of them hosting coral is very slim. there are a couple of techniques that might work. 1st put the coral in a small bag with the 2 clowns in there and slowly empty the water back into the tank until the clowns are touching the coral, showing them that its ok to touch. this is probably the only chance u will have another way is to tape a large pic of a clownfish in an anemone to the glass so they get jealous and try to host something... this kinda sounds stupid but there are a few people on this site that claim that it works. i dont know it sounds kinda dumb to me but why not try? or try both more, chance.


my corals are too big and attached to the rockwork to put them in a bag with them, but I'll try to picture method. Couldn't hurt. While watching them last night, it looked like they might have been rubbing against my mushroom bed? Now, they're just swimming along, not really paying attention to my other corals.


ok, so i went to the doctor today and when i came home, the torch was looking a bit ragged and semi-closed. could it be that the clowns were starting to host and being a little rough with it???


It took me 4 hours today, but the male ocellaris out of my pair is now hosting my Bubble Tip Anemone.
What I did was a week ago I put pictures up of them hosting and they didnt take any notice, so today I got a fish net and cornered both clowns to the anemone so they had to swim around it, i did this for 5 mins, then left the net in the tank and they stayed for half an hour. Then they ventured back out into the rest of the tank so i made them go back, and this time they stayed for an hour. so after a further 20mins of trying to make them stay, i moved the pictures to right in front of the anemone, and within 10mins the male had got the picture and the female half did, she stayed for half an hour or so, but the male has now been hosting the anemone for 3 hours.
May work for you if you corner it into a coral that you want it to host? worth a shot