Hi, I jumped into the deep end and went from having no corals to having a tank full )Mostly softies but a frogspawn too). I am now testing daily and have also got replacement calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium. My question is how slow is considered slow to add these replacements to the tank and is the best practice to add it directly to a high flow area of the tank. Currently (over the last 2 nights) in the evenings when I replace my evaporated water with RO freshwater I add the supplement into the replacement water then add this to a high flow area a little at a time over 30 minutes. Does this sound right? The highest concentration element I'm having to replace is my magnesium as my first tested level was in the 800's and I'd like to get it to around 1300. I have not seen any particulate (snow?). Any recommendatiosn are advice? Thanks