Teenage Reefers!

There will most definantly be algea growth with the more intense lighting, but shouldn't be a problem if you have a good CUC, and keep on top of it all.
What would you guys say would be a better choice in your own opinion, GSP, or Galaxia? How do you like the Galaxia Hunt?


Active Member
Originally Posted by andrewjardin http:///forum/thread/383599/teenage-reefers/20#post_3356701
There will most definantly be algea growth with the more intense lighting, but shouldn't be a problem if you have a good CUC, and keep on top of it all.
What would you guys say would be a better choice in your own opinion, GSP, or Galaxia? How do you like the Galaxia Hunt?
personally i like the galaxia (but then again ive never had star polyps), Keep in mind that galaxia corals can have sweeper tentacles up to 6in (ive read...ive only seen mine up to 2in), and the stalks of the coral polyps are kind of easy to break (ive lost almost 5-6 heads due to falling and repositioning...so i finally glued it down. If you can find them, you can also save the frags that broke off).
In my picture they are red...they should be a lot more green. When i got them they were 5 bucks because the person before didnt take care of them and gave them to my LFS.
Hmm, thanks for input! It sounds to me like i'd be better off with GSP, I dont like the sound of sweeper tentacles lol, I'm trying to avoid agressive corals :p
Hey so does anybody know if a Bangaii cardinalfish would do okay in a 20 Gallon? Just let me know anything, thoughts / personal experience thanks!


Active Member
Okay, I am in.
Hello everyone, I am Josh.
I am 15 years of age, Have been into Saltwater 6 Months.....
My dad and I currently have a 95g "wave" bowfront w/ a 20g sump, a 30g frag tank in progress.
My own personal tank is a JBJ Picotope. (3g)
Here it is, Mult. corals.
Hulk zoos
Rainbow Monti
Purple Death Zoos
Spiderman Zoos
Eagle eye Zoos
Joker Chalice
Orange Explosion Zoos
Crop Circle Zoos
Greenbay Packer Zoos
Dragon eye Zoos
Tubbs Blue Zoos
Nuclear Sunset Zoos
Anikins Armor Zoos.
Soon to have corals :
Orange chalice
Orange acans
Turquoise w/ Purple tips Acro.
Mult. More Zoos

"Wave" tank.
Okay thanks, I also have a 30 Gallon that im going to upgrade to . . . in a long while into the future, but for the 30, would I be able to keep, (with alot of LR for hiding and such)
2 Percs (im pretty sure my clowns are percs not ocellaris??
2 Bangaii Cardinals
1 Royal Gramma
( Some kind of small peacful, vibrant blue fish, anybody know of any that would do well in a tank with those tankmates? ^^, the only I could think of is a blue devil damsel, but I don't want any more damsels . . . Ideas? lol
And welcome to the Teen reefers Snapple! Ooh that sounds cool, we should be know as . . . "The Teenage Reefers" Sounds like we're super heroes. Pretty sweet, lol
True, if you dont maintain them alot, however my Kenya isn't too bad and only dropped its first branch today! Actually just before I got on the computer I was checking the tank, and saw one branch a darker shade of brown behind it at an awkward angle, and when I looked closer it was separating! So after it completely fell off, I glued it to a piece of rubble and put it in a yogurt container to help it attach fully! I really like soft corals, so I guess to each their own!


Active Member
To the orginal post..
Im Brandon and I am at 14 years of age. Ive been in this hobby for 4 years now, since i was in 4th grade!. lol yeah young start. My first tank was a 30g Fish only with Live rock.
I then got a 60g half reef in the 5th grade
Also my first 3g pico reef in the 5th grade
Took down the 60g tank and got a 24g Aquapod HQI in the 6th grade
Then in 7th grade I moved so I was tankless for a while
Then I have my 28g Soon-to-be-reef and my new and imporved 3g reef pico while approaching the 9th grade
My dad had a 90g reef and then had to take it down when we moved to Virginia. When we got there I was just 3 years old and he setup a 30g reef (later became mine). Due to budgeting, he took it down and gave it to me as a freshwater tank. One day, being bored and curiuos as i was, i looked in the cabnet under the freshwater tank because my dad still kept the chemicals from his SW tank in there. I started going through the bottles and reading what they said and did. And then it clicked to me this was going to be my new hobby. And thus started my first SW tank.
When I was still in 6th grade i would go to the LFS to get whatever for my tank and the guy there was always impressed with my knowladge.
yep, theres my story


Active Member
Nice, I would of guessed you where 22-26.
Shows what I know =D
Update on Coral.
I have a new superman Monti,
I grey and gold chalice.
And finally a green w/ purple tips acro.
I thought you were alot older as well Blackjack! Wow, there are alot of us!
Got any pics of the new corals Snapple? I LOVE superman monti! :D


Active Member
lol sometimes i feel the youngest here but im sure there are people here around 10 years old. Like when I joined haha.


Active Member
My mom also likes me in the hobby because she says it "keeps me from doing drugs and going to prizon". lol i have to agree with that one.


Well-Known Member
This is so cool. I gotta say, I'm really impressed with how many young reefers there are on these boards. I'm 34 (so I probably shouldn't even be posting here!!) but I was in elementary school when I got started. Had freshwater fish all the way through high school. I didn't really know anyone my age who had saltwater tanks when I was growing up -- just a friend's dad, who had two lionfish in a 55g tank.
From what I remember of that tank, however, it was fairly primitive compared to today's standards. I think we're living in a pretty cool time right now for salt water fishkeeping. Just imagine when you've all added a decade or two to your age...where will the hobby be in 20 years? You guys are going to look back at this, shake your heads, and say things like, "Metal halides?? What were we thinking?!?"


Active Member
lol Solar Powerd super lights, a chemical that makes all your problems go away. But then I guess these boards will be done if they make that. I remember when Beth first joined she made a post about protien skimmers and she said she was shocked when she saw one that was $4000. But that was in the year 2000. Im used to seeing like 8000 dollar skimmers.


Active Member
No joke, I will be what are MH?!?!?!
Now we use super bright UV LED's.

I love my LED's.
They are so freaking awesome. Hard to take pics though,