teeny tiny white worms on glass of tank??


We have some kind of small white worms on the sides of the tank. any ideas as to what they might be? we have two clowns, one anemone and a few fan worms. we haven't introduced anything new for about 6 weeks now - except live rock about 4 weeks ago. i am wondering if they came in on that. are they a parasite and are they harmful? our tank has been set up now since february so our cycle is good to go for more species and we'd like to get a few more inverts, but i am concerned!
thanks all!


after doing some more research after posting (i know - i should have done more BEFORE posting), i went and looked real real close at those buggers!! they are spiral like someone mentioned on another thread and they are actual tube worms!! yes - they have the teeniest little wavy worms poking their heads out (can you stinkin' beleive it????) anyway, i thought i would post the results.
in the meantime, i have seen many posts about pods which i thought maybe that may haver been a possiblity, thank goodness it isn't the bad ones! boy - i will be watching for those little sh*%ts!!