tell me about fire gobies and wrasses


have been thinking about adding a fire gobi and a cleaner wrasse to my 55 gal.
i am wondering if my domino damsel will get along with them. the domino is pretty aggressive. when i first got him, he killed my green chromis.
are wrasses and gobies fast swimmers? are they smart? can they hide behind the rocks?
anyone out there keep this combo?
appreciate your opinion.


I woud take the damsels out. Pretty much any fish you will get will be picked on by the damsel. I would also not get a cleaner wrasse. They do not live long in captivity unless they have lots of fish to clean. The firefish should be fine in your tank aslong as the damsels is not in there with him.


Active Member
I'll 2nd Jake22's comments. Right on the money. Your domino will become a terror and you'll starve a cleaner wrasse to death. Firefish are great, just be carefull you don't have dominant fish in there with them or you'll never see him.
Good Luck!


New Member
You have to be careful with tankmates for the firefish they get spooked real easy. I had a Banji cardinal fish in with my firefish. eEverytime I went to feed the fish the Banji would dart for the food which would scare the firefish back into hiding. I purchased 2 more firefish and now their out most of the time. They seem to find comfort in numbers.


Active Member
i have a purple firefish, very shy... only comes out at dinner time.. if your looking for a wrasse maybe try a 6-line.. very active and very pretty fish...


Active Member
yes i have 2 cleaners and a peppermint .. and they dont bother anyone.. 6-lines are very passive