Tell me about fish and a 55g


Porcupine Puffer Fish
Hawaiian Blue Puffer
Purple tang
Blonde Naso Tang
Blue Line Trigger - Juvi
Picasso Trigger
Clown Trigger(Whats the difference between a clown and a clown juvi?)
3x Large hermit crab
This is my final list I do believe. I made an arrangement with my LFS if I do have problems with either the naso or clown I can take them there. So, what the overall feel for this stock list? Overpopulated possibly?


Active Member
clown juvi isjust a baby one, they dont really do wellin captivity, they need to be bigger
imo i would cut the clowtrigger, they get nasty and really big and will most likly wake up oneday and kill everything in your tank, they do much better in species only tanks but again thats justmy opinion

vegas made

Originally Posted by dstoneburg
Porcupine Puffer Fish
Hawaiian Blue Puffer
Purple tang
Blonde Naso Tang
Blue Line Trigger - Juvi
Picasso Trigger
Clown Trigger(Whats the difference between a clown and a clown juvi?)
3x Large hermit crab
This is my final list I do believe. I made an arrangement with my LFS if I do have problems with either the naso or clown I can take them there. So, what the overall feel for this stock list? Overpopulated possibly?
i have a blue-line and he is aggresive but not to bad imo and the diffrence between a juvi clown and a clown is the juvi clown is a baby clown trigger when they are juvis they are aggresive but not as bad as they are when there older when the clown trigger gets big he will grow more aggresive but they are awesome fish they pick up rocks/etc. and move them around the tank and the hermit crabs i would start off with alot either really small ones or a couple jumbo hermit crabds i have both in my tank with my triggers and porcupine puffer and they eat some of them but the big ones are still alive and well they learn to hide and the small ones are usually to small for them to notice/care about them

the tangs so cool i dont know much about them but your list looks nice as long as your planning to upgrade for sure