Tell me about mixing puffers


What are the compatability issues pertaining to puffers? Will these guys fare well together? What are the potential problems? Any and all advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
• Porcupine Puffer Fish
• Valentini Puffer
• Hawaiian Blue Puffer
i would like to know also about mixing a few of the smaller puffers. I know says don't put 2 of the same smaller puffers together but what about 1 of each?


Some do it and it works. For others it does not. I tried it and it was a no go. Dogface and a porc is what I tried put them in at the same time.
i had a dogface puffer, valentini puffer, narrowline puffer and another type of spotted toby puffer and never had problems. i did have a rectangular trigger in there too and he kinda picked on them though but only around feeding time. i think the key is try to introduce them into the tank at the same time or every time you introduce a new fish turn off the lights and try to rearrange some of your rockwork so when the lights come back they'll think its a new tank.


Don't Valentini only get about 2 or 3 inches? The other two could get huge how big is your tank?


Originally Posted by dstoneburg
What are the compatability issues pertaining to puffers? Will these guys fare well together? What are the potential problems? Any and all advice is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
• Porcupine Puffer Fish
• Valentini Puffer
• Hawaiian Blue Puffer
The Porc would eat the other two puffers listed once it grew large enough. Porcupine Puffers grow very large even in captivity, they should be housed in nother smaller than a 125 and in my opinion no other fish should be with them if the aquariums only 125 gallons. I have a 12 inch stars and stripes and he is by himself in a 125, Unfortunently I have no plans to add any more livestock to the aquarium because he is extremely agressive. Anything that goes into the aquarium he considers his meal (including my hand when cleaning glass). I strongly suggest not mixing puffers unless you have a very large aquarium, they are unpredictable at the different stages of their life. With the smaller community "reef safe" puffers you could possibly house a few, but I have heard they sometimes will still nip at one another.


So... did you try it? I am thinking of valentini and a hawaiian blue. Let me know how it worked out.