Tell me about my Anemone


Hi ... anyone have any ideas what kind of Anemone I have here and what does it eat?
Thank You for your help in advance,
Nessa aka DjBabylove


Active Member
looks like a bleached haitan anemone to me, how big is ur tank and what are u lighingu use


I agree that it looks like a haitian in sad shape. Almost looks like its under normal output lights.
Please try to feed it some frozen mysis shrimp or better yet silversides if you can find them. Try to feed it twice per week, small bits no larger than a pencil eraser. I suggest rinsing any frozen food first. Once you try to feed it tell me what happens, let me know if the tenticals attach to the food and bring it into the mouth.
Your going to need much stronger lights if you expect it to survive. What is the total wattage of that bulb? At least tell me the length of it and I'll look it up.
How long has the tank been setup?


Active Member
i think the only way it can survive with bad lights is feed it like 1-2 times a day so it gets the food from the fish, but then it would go into his rock work becuase the the tentacles dont have that brown stuff on it... forgot what it was called zoxanthae


Is this the bulb?
30" (NO, T8) 10,000 Daylight, 25 watt.
If that is it, and that is the only bulb then I am affraid that your anemone is doomed to die. Simply put that is not near enough to keep an anemone (a photosynthetic animal) alive.


Active Member
take it back to the LFS, they should have proper lighting to bring it back to life. u need to get atleast 5 watts per gallon for an anemone



Originally posted by wocka
i think the only way it can survive with bad lights is feed it like 1-2 times a day so it gets the food from the fish,

Feeding it will not make it live in that lighting, no way. I've tried it before with 80 watts on a BTA and almost killed it, it shriveled up to the size of a golf ball over several months time. Low wattage lights like that is just a death sentence to anemones. Feeding it that often would just ruin your water conditions.


Active Member
ouch.. i thought that maybe if u feed it enough it could suvive for a while. just giving my 2 cents
I agree with Thomas. The anemone gets most of it's food from the photosynthetic algae in it's body. Without the good lighting the anemone is going to die. You need more like 150 watts for that tank(assuming it's a 30 gallon) if you want to keep the anemone.


Active Member
PC = Power Compact, MH= Metal halid. Metal halids are probly the best lights to go with, most intense, and of course, most exspensive. Do some searches online and you can find some reasonable deals on lighting


Your lookin at an EASY 150 bucks. And that's if you buy used! Take pity on the anemone, and take him back. Unless you want to get the lights!! I did, I got MH's because my anemone started lookin' rough. But it's the hubby's money, so of course I'll spend it!! I'm only kidding. I told him that I wanted to give the anemone away because we didn't have the right lights for it, and he let me buy better lights when we found an awesome seal in the "classifieds" of this websight!!


I took the Anemone back and got a cleaner shrimp and a Manderain Goby which I am CORRECTLY acclimating this time.
I am doing it the way you suggested Wocka.
Wish me luck!