Tell me the difference please?

I accidently posted in the reef section and no one answered there after numerous peeks.
Can anyone tell me the differences between Ricordia and Yuma mushrooms? Feeding, and everything. Is there a difference at all?
Thanks in advance for the input!


Active Member
ricordea yuma preferrs lower light than ricordea florida does. the appearances are also different. ricordea florida are more prone to multiplying by pedal lacerastion than yuma are.
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
ricordea yuma preferrs lower light than ricordea florida does. the appearances are also different. ricordea florida are more prone to multiplying by pedal lacerastion than yuma are.
Thank you for the response! And like....yuma would be ok in with PCs?
Can you please expand on the "pedal lacerastion" tho?


Active Member
Ricordea florida are from the Atlantic Ocean, can have numerous mouths, and have no pseudotentacles on the oral cone.
R. yuma are from the Indo-Pacific and are usually circular with one mouth and do have pseudotentacles on the oral cone.
Wow...thanks for the great answers!
d thanks for not slamming me about seemingly to not know what the heck I was talking about 'cause I said Ricordia vs Yuma rather than Florida vs Yuma when both are ricordias! LOL
All the help was great!!
Look for poll (I hope I can figure that out) 'cause I want to know which type you all have and why.