Tell me what in your tank I would love too know


I want to talk about salt water Aquariums
I have a 90 gallon Im 15 years old Im the care taker
And the fish i have in it our
yellow tang 1
purple tang 1
powder blue tang 1
Ocellaris clownfish 2
green chromis 3
Engineer goby 1 (This thing is Awsome it looks like a eel when they mature)
Flame angel 1
oh yeah i have some shrimp and some reef
I started this Cause im interested to see what people have in there aquarium and what size they have. So if u want to talk fish and reef Instant message me Spitfire1124


Active Member
that seems like a lot of tang for a 90 gallon
I too have a 90 reef
with 60lbs lr (another 25lbs curing)
90lbs live sand and a bunch of corals
1 hippo blue tang (1 inch)
2 firefish
2 OC clowns
1 foxface- will probably be getting rid off- (he's a woos)
1 coral beauty


Active Member
22g reef currently have
dry goods:
-2x65w power compact lights
-some penguin hang on back filter
-excalibur skimmer
-some random powerhead
probly 30lbs live rock
dont know how much livesand
maroon clown
2 cleaner shrimp
6 blue leg hermits
6 mexican turbo snails
kenya tree
purple mushroom
orange/green mushroom
button polyps
green sea mat
im also 15 years old, set up the tank by myself, with my own money.. big accomplishment for me- i remember in the beginning my dad telling me how much of a pain and hard work it will be. deffinetely worth all the work.


Active Member
My 120 gal tank has about 100 pounds of LR, lots of flow, mostly sps corals, a Hippo tang, Cherub angel, Royal Gramma, Atlantic Blue tang, Six line wrasse and a Solar wrasse. I hope to add 6 Indian Ocean orange anthias tomorrow.


I have
1 sailfin tang
1 foxface
1 maroon clown
1 saddleback clown
1 lawnmower blennie
1 pj cardinal
1 strawberry basselt
5 blue chromis


I have 2 eel only tanks both are 20 gallons they are both temporary in till my 75 cycles
1 has a Jewled Morey
1 has a Snowflake eel
has anyone else been bitten by their eel


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
I hope to add 6 Indian Ocean orange anthias tomorrow.

great looking Anthias...eating good too


Active Member
125 gal
silver scat
engeneer goby
majestic foxface
3 striped damsel
4 striped damnsel
some hermits
turbo snails
3 yellow tail damsels
1 enenome
sand sifter star
button pollups
5 turbo snails


Active Member
110g... sps reef
Purple Tang
Tomato Clown
Lawnmower Blenny
Yellow Tail Damsel
55g... LPS/Softy reef
2- Ocellaris Clowns


40 gal. cube with an octopus only...anything else is dinner!!
75 gal. (1) Huma Huma
(1) Bursa trigger
(1) Dragon wrasse, Really cool to watch him "farm" his pods
(1) plane head filefish, Found after Hurricane Charlie
(1) chainlink eel
(1) Juvenile orange shoulder Tang
(1) blue damsel
110 gal. lobster tank in the garage for shrimp that I feed to the triggers and eel and octo, oh yeah , I also keep all the "bad" boys in their also..Right now the only guy on restriction is a jeweled damsel about 6" long (was picking on the triggers too much!!)
125 gal. reef (180) lbs. of L.R. totally mixed but the local florida rock is by far the most interesting
(3) Different types of weeds..(xenia's)
(1) Strawberry carnation
(1) baby flower pot
(1) Cauliflower
(1) Colt
(1) toadstool
(1) Finger leather
a whole slew of purple mushrooms
a whole slew of about 7 or 8 different colors of zoos
(3) different colors of star polyps
(1) baby hammer coral
several clusters of sinularia
(1) cabbage leather
(4) snake polyps
(1) baby 2 polyps, black sun coral
(1) yellow coris wrasse
(1) yellow fin fairy wrasse
(1) green clown goby
(1) juvenile checkerboard wrasse
(1) juvenile chocolate tang (mimic tang)
(1) lawnmower blenny
(2) orange firefish
(2) purple firefish
(1) redbanded hi fin goby
(1) cherub angel
(6) emerald crabs
countless porcelain crabs
countless hermits
(1) beautiful orange medusa worm
(2) mexican turbo snails
a bunch of regular turbo snails
several large nassarius snails
(50) or so small nassarius snails
(1) skunk cleaner shrimp
(2) peppermint shrimps,(little

ate my yellow polyps)..oops
so many different types of tunicates, water squirts, and turkey wing clams, and just various fauna from the live rock, that i am still finding new stuff every night and day! Thanks to this board for all the help and I.D's of some of the weird stuff I have found
damn no wonder I am always working on a fish tank!!! I didn't realize how much stuff I had until I started listing them, and I am sure I have missed a few things as well.. Maybe I should just consolidate them all into a 400 gal..Yeah let me run that one past the wife!!


Active Member
shark boy i was bitten by my 2 fooy sfe and my huge banded moray i was bleeding from the banded moray :rolleyes:


Active Member
new additions and changes to my tanks:
125 now has:
large vol lion
panther grouper
silver scat
engeneer goby
bi colored foxface
striped damsel
55 has:
vol lion
majestic foxface
green wolf eel maroon clown w/ anoneme
yellow tailed damsel
2 sally lightfoot crabs
black brittle star
sand sifting star
mushrooms ,zoas, xanias, few other corals cant think what they are at this time all softies .
soon to have set up 120 reef and 90 gal not sure type yet


Active Member
58 gallon Mixed reef
1 Ocellaris Clown
1 Coral Beauty
Green flourescent mushrooms
Purple/blue metallic mushrooms
Encrusting gorgonian
Green star polyps
Green zoanthids
Purple/brown zoanthids
Tree coral
Unidentified SPS coral