Tell me what is best


When my tank has finished the cycle, I want to get 2 clowns. I also love the firefish. Would 2 clowns and a fire fish be too much for a 10 gall? Or, would it be ok to get one clown and one firefish?


Hi again Jden! What made ya decide to go with the 10g? A lot of people will disagree with me, but I'm into keeping my pets happy. You wouldn't get a large dog unless you had a big backyard, right? You can keep 2 clowns (assuming they are a pair) alive in a 10 gallon, and probably a firefish too. Firefish are very easy fish to care for, and they are a good starter fish. Also, clowns are relatively easy to care for.
Here's where it gets a bit tricky. You can keep one clown happy in any tank. They tend to stay in one spot that they will defend. When you add two males in a small tank they will fight. When you add a pair in any tank their behavior becomes more unpredictable. The female will often graze more or search for a place to lay her eggs. In turn, the male will shadow her everywhere she goes if they are a true pair.
Thus, as far as comparing fish to dogs goes, having one clown in a 10 gallon would be like having a lap dog in a small home. While having two clowns in a 10 gallon would be more like having two active dogs in a small home. People do it all the time, but not everyone in the hobby cares how happy their fish are.
On a side note... In a 10 gallon I would make sure any fish you buy is eating flakes. This will help you keep your nitrate levels down.


Thanks...Doesnt flake food raise it? So, before I buy them ask to see the fish eat? Have you ever seen a purple firefish? Now that is a cool fish.


Originally Posted by jden092901
Thanks...Doesnt flake food raise it? So, before I buy them ask to see the fish eat? Have you ever seen a purple firefish? Now that is a cool fish.
Thats what I have always been told also.


I could be wrong here, but this is my understanding of flake vs frozen...
First, the important thing is not how much food you are adding to your tank, but how much PROTEIN you are adding to your tank.
Most people will tell you that frozen is better for your tank because the package says it's only 5.8% protein. Well, look at the bottom ingredient. 91% moisture!!!! So if we take out all the moisture, then we basically end up with 76% protein, 17% crude fat, and 7% crude fiber.
The flake food I have is 9% moisture MAX. Since it is 34% protein, that means that if you take out the moisture it is still less than 38% protein... exactly HALF of frozen brine shrimp!!!
Yeah, I love the firefish, but they aren't real active. And you should ALWAYS ask your lfs to show you what they are feeding the fish, tell you how often they are feeding it, and to feed the fish in front of you. I once had an LFS employee tell me a mandarin was eating pellets. I asked her to show me, and she rolled her eyes at me and sighed. Well, when she put the pellets in the tank and the mandarin swam right past them she turned red as a beat. Sometimes the LFS workers will misinform you, not because they mean to, but because most of them don't even own an aquarium!