tell me what ya think so far


Active Member
Looks like you've got a nice start going there. I would add more live rock as opportunity permits.
In the first pic, I noticed you're running PC lights. What other equipment are you running?

dark angel

yes its gunna be a reef, but ... only soft corals tell next year.
Other equipment ... like what ??
We have a filstarX2 canister filter, a prizim protien skimmer, and turbo twist 9 watt UV sterilizer. 3 660 powerheads, one running the UV. We still have the basic hang on filter, tell the new filter builds up some bio-media, had the new one for about 2 weeks now. ummm, im trying to think of what else we got in there. lol I let me hubby do the tech part, and i do the rest. LOL
And were working on more rock, got 32.5 lbs in there now, been adding about 5# per week as paychecks permit. hehehe
And thanks


I think you are off to a great start!! Very nice tank.
The only suggestions I have and these are only if its what you like. I would beef your LR up a little more and add some more variety of fish and I think you will be all set!! Looks great so far.

dark angel

Been workin on the LR, would like another 20 lbs in there or so.
Right now we just have the 2 clown fish, i wanna get a flame angel and a blue hippo tang, but gotta get more rock in there first. Thats my plan for the fish anyway. We gunna upgrade to a 75 gal next year, might even wait tell then to get the hippo tang, but what else could i put in there that would mix with what we got now?
Besides the clown fish, we got, BTA, colt coral, thick finger coral, some mushrooms, star and yellow pollyps, 2 camel shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 mexi turbo snails, 18 blue leg hermits, a purple tip anemone ( but it got sucked up in the filter an hour ago, so not sure if its gunna pull through) a green emerald crab and a anemone crab.
I like the firefish, but our last one just hide under a rock tell it went to fishy heaven, I want something thats reef safe (obviously) colorful and that can mix with the fish i plan to get int he future. Thanks for all the advise. :D


Active Member
i need to start using my glasses more, i didnt even notice the corals in there :rolleyes: sorry
chromis are a nice fish too, i have 2 clowns and 3 blue/green chromis right now along with a LMB and just got a royal gramma. they all seem to get along fine.
most are gonna tell you to wait on the tang for a larger tank 125 is actually the recommended size that i see posted here.
good luck with it!:happyfish