Tell me what you think!! No water changes!!


Active Member
I have never commented on water changes because I know a lot of people would tell me I'm not doing it often enough, I think water changes are necessary but as far as how much and how often depends on each tank and the way it is set up. Since I've started this hobby I've done weekly water changes, monthly water changes, once every three months and have gone as long as 6 months or longer. I have an 80 gal reef tank and have not done a water change in over 6 months. and have not seen any difference in the tank condition by doing it more often.There comes a time when you need to change out water to help get things back in balance. But how often depends on each system and if people pay attention to there tank they will know when they need to do this. As far as a reason why not, for one I am only home three days a week and don't have the time to do a water change every week so when I set up this system I tried to set it up where I wouldn't have to do as many water changes, I have a 3" to 4" sand bed in the DT and a 4" to 5" sand bed in the fuge. I have a good skimmer that pulls out a lot of waste and I've got around 125lbs. of live rock. and have a good flow in the tank. Once a week I add trace elements to the system. and I drip kalk for top off. My tank has done great and have had no loses because of water quality. I have picks posted a week ago of my tank on the tread I started about my 125 tank build. I have one anemone thats split six times and one thats split twice, all my corals are growng like crazy and I have quite a few fish including a tang that I've had for almost two years now. I'm not say you don't have to do water changes ever but I just don't think there is a set rule that everyone must follow as to how much how often or else your tank will crash, it all depends on each tank and the way it is set up, When I have this 125 up and running I will set up water changes on a as needed basis which I'm sure will be more often until the tank is well established.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Water changes add crucial trace elements.
You can also add trace elements out of bottles. RO water also contains some elements. Plus, salt creep causes you to add salt (mixed with water, of course) once in a long while. Trace elements also are found in the live rock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaxSmart
You can also add trace elements out of bottles. RO water also contains some elements. Plus, salt creep causes you to add salt (mixed with water, of course) once in a long while. Trace elements also are found in the live rock.
True, but none of us test for all of them. Therefore it is important to add "new" saltwater.