Tell me what you think of my stocking


I got a 240 gal finally, 8ft long tank. I upgraded from a 5ft 120 gal. The fish that were in there are as follows:
1 Koran Angel
1 Grey Angel
1 Blue Hippo Tang
2 Yellow Tangs
1 Lyretail Anthia
1 Coral Beauty
1 Flame Angel
1 Maroon Clown
2 Perculas
Added the following when I got the new tank:
9 Green Chromis (starter fish, all are healthy and helped other shy fish out)
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Bicolor Angel
1 Blue Jaw Trigger
1 Lubbacks Fairy Wrasse
So far everything couldn't be better. Healthy fish getting along. Plenty of room for the larger fish to swim now and plenty of LR for smaller fish to hide. I got plenty of filtration, 3 canisters and 1 protein skimmer. 2 UV sterilizers, they help to create a beautifull white fine sand substrate without algea.

sinner's girl

good luck with the Fairy Wrasse, I've read tehy aren't very hardy. But man are they cool looking. I'd love to see a pic.