Dimensions: 78” tall, 47” wide, 24” deep. Will have 10’ of access above the tank if needed.
I originally posted some thoughts on this space in the FOWLR section, but I am thinking that I want a reef tank with live rock, inverts, fish, but I am undecided on coral. Since no one seemed to like my ideas, let me know what you would do. I am thinking more inverts on the rocks then fish. I want a really nice display tank.
The bad part about the location is that it is only 47” wide or I could buy a tank and put it in there. Well, my 90 would be in there. So I have to have a tank made. The wall is load bearing so it is cheaper to make a tank then move the wall, as much as I would love to move it for the extra 24".
I would really like to have that built in look. Behind the tank is a bathroom and I still plan on hooking into the drain for the tub with a valve that will be used to do water changes.
So, what would you build for in there?
Dimensions of the tank and stand?
Basically, give me a list of everything you would buy as well as why and what you would build for that space so I can do some research and see what will work for me. Please, no flaming.