Tell your kids about Santa?


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I'm a new father, and it's my daughters first Christmas this year. even though she doesn't understand the idea of Santa yet, I know there will come a time where I have to decide whether or not to tell my kids that Santa Claus is the gift-giver of Christmas.
Some parents think it's traumatic when their children find out it's not true (it wasn't for me though - when I was a kid). Some people have conviction because you're lying to your children. Some have no problem with it. What are your thoughts? Should I play the "Santa Claus Game"?


Active Member
I have 2 sons. One is in 3rd grade and he is still a big time "Santa Believer". The older one is in 4th grade and he is somewhat skeptical. I expect that either this year or next we will need to explain it to him.
I believe that part of the magic of Chrismas is the kids and their belief. The whole process of building a list, getting it to Santa, either by visiting or by mail as well as following Santa's progress on Chrismas Eve (there is a great website) is magic for all of us.
Just my feelings. John


Active Member

I think this also keeps me young at heart. I play it to the max, and never tell them otherwise. My two oldest obviously know, but I still never told them. When they got to that age where it was obvious there was no man in a red suit coming down our chimney, let alone set foot inside our house b/c they know Dad would shoot his a.., I still said "there is a Santa". They understood the difference on their own.
I do at least tell them all that Mom and Dad have to pay for what Santa brings. This way they ALL keep the wishes within reason.


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dude welcome back!
And tell your kids about santa, and tell em it is a game. Don't lie to them. And tell them he is real...


Active Member
Why not play the Santa game? Yeah, it's lying to your kids, but it also is a means of making the best of their childhood. Childhood is one of the best parts of your life (minus teen years) but it isn't up to just YOU to make it good, it also has a lot to do with your parents. I believe ignorance is bliss. If my parents would've told me about s.ex when I was 5 I would've been traumatized, I wouldn't have wanted to know that. Besides when the kid gets older and becomes skeptical, the news comes easy. Whatever you decide won't make you a bad parent, so Good Luck in your choice

darthtang aw

Active Member
Tell him about santa clause. If lying to your child is concern, then this will be one of the smallest lies you ever tell them as you will tell them plenty more. Especially when at the age of four they ask how babies are made.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Tell him about santa clause. If lying to your child is concern, then this will be one of the smallest lies you ever tell them as you will tell them plenty more. Especially when at the age of four they ask how babies are made.

It is all in fun. The thrill of thinking that Santa is coming is so exciting for children.


Active Member
As a parent that is allowing Christmas to be a holiday for kids with santa, why would want to ruin the fun of Christmas?
Kids will let you know when the time is right. You don’t need to explain it to them just to explain it to them. When one ask then you explain it to them.
As to the whole “lie” its not a lie per say. it’s the idea, The idea has a name of santa clause.
I don’t have kids but as an adult with the parties and gift giving and spending time with loved ones that you don’t normally see everyday that’s a gift in and of its self.
To see a child’s face as they see the tree with gifts, to me that’s one of the best gift a parent could ever get. The excitement and paper being tossed as a parent how do you look at that and think I want to ruin it for them.
Let them enjoy it now cause when they turn teenage years and it yeah yeah yeah im going out with my friends hers your present I’ll see you later.
My god I can still remember waking up and toys all over the place that santa brought me and my brothers and sister.
My parents would spend the 1.99 a min for us to call santa’s hot line and track him so we knew when he was in NJ and we tackle each other trying to get up the stairs to bed. I never thanked my parents for that now that I think of it. I think I need to make a call.
The best question for you to ask your self and your wife…. Would you have wanted to be told that it was a lie or did you like questioning it and then getting the answer when you were ready for it?
I can not wait to be able to have my own and watch them dig thru wrapping paper and write to santa and watch the Christmas specials.
Good luck with what ever your decision is, they are your kids.


Active Member
....and the best part, as long as they believe, you can have your milk & cookies laid right out there within reach for you (at least one night out of the year).
I'm still trying to convince them that Santa is more of a beer kind of guy though....


Originally Posted by T316
....and the best part, as long as they believe, you can have your milk & cookies laid right out there within reach for you (at least one night out of the year).
I'm still trying to convince them that Santa is more of a beer kind of guy though....

Yeah, my parents had a hard time with that one. My parents didn't drink milk and my parents hate to waste. My mom tried getting us to put out diet coke or water one year. We wouldn't hear of it. We though Santa would be insulted


Active Member
For me the realization that Santa was fictional never really turned out to be a lie, but instead Santa shifted from being a real man who brought gifts to being an idea that contributes to the spirit of Christmas. To this day, we still get asked by my parents what we want from Santa. Everyone knows it's not true, but still fun to play along. It started out as truth, but then shifted into a holiday game. No trauma here.
However, I think the only thing that was traumatic for me was getting told by a Jewish girl in 3rd grade (she regularly bullied me) that there was no Santa. I still don't know why she felt so compelled to mess with my holiday cheer.
I'm pretty sure we're going to play the Santa game with our kids.... and a game it will always be.


This is one of those things that just annoys me about our society...
People over analyze something to death until they make a fun childhood tradition a tramatizing event for our kids. Why can't we just let our kids be kids!!!!! I could go on and on about this, but I will spare you the ranting.
I will say that I remember being a kid and waking up Christmas morning to a living room full of toys (I had 2 siblings). Half of it was already assembled and turned on, so our living room looked like Santa's workshop. There is no way in h*ll that I am taking that away from my son!!!!! He is 19 months old and already knows who Santa is (he says tanta, because he can't say "s" yet). If you ask what Santa says he will tell you "ho, ho, hoooooo." My son will believe in Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, Disney characters, and will trick or treat! I will not take my son's childhood away!
OK, I guess I did rant a little after all.


Active Member
........and I think your poll results are going to be wrong, because the question vs. the thread is confusing. I voted "yes", as in I will be doing the Santa thing, but the poll question could be interpreted as "yes" means, you are going to tell your kids who Santa really is. I find it hard to believe that the results would be this close if everyone is understanding correctly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nina&noah
This is one of those things that just annoys me about our society...
People over analyze something to death until they make a fun childhood tradition a tramatizing event for our kids. Why can't we just let our kids be kids!!!!! I could go on and on about this, but I will spare you the ranting.
I will say that I remember being a kid and waking up Christmas morning to a living room full of toys (I had 2 siblings). Half of it was already assembled and turned on, so our living room looked like Santa's workshop. There is no way in h*ll that I am taking that away from my son!!!!! He is 19 months old and already knows who Santa is (he says tanta, because he can't say "s" yet). If you ask what Santa says he will tell you "ho, ho, hoooooo." My son will believe in Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, Disney characters, and will trick or treat! I will not take my son's childhood away!
OK, I guess I did rant a little after all.

Actually, I really agree with you. In my mind it was never a question... we were going to do the santa thing. But the only reason I started this thread was because a friend of mine on facebook put up a note about it... saying how it might traumatize the kids and change their morals/respect because "now mommy and daddy are liars" etc etc etc.
Santa's been around for a looooong time. It's interesting that only now we're having all these psycho-analytical concerns. It's the information age. Everyone knows everything about everything. It's only normal for some to make a stack out of straw.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
........and I think your poll results are going to be wrong, because the question vs. the thread is confusing. I voted "yes", as in I will be doing the Santa thing, but the poll question could be interpreted as "yes" means, you are going to tell your kids who Santa really is. I find it hard to believe that the results would be this close if everyone is understanding correctly.
HAHA you're right. I *made* the thread and I am confused. "Tell your kids about Santa (Play the santa game)" as opposed to "Do not tell your kids about Santa (do NOT play the Santa game)."


Active Member
i would eventually let them figure it out on their own. i dont see santa as a lie but as tradition


I always told my kids that it was their choice on what to believe, but I do believe in Santa. And I really do. I believe in the spirit of giving and the celebration of the season.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. My children are now 18 and 21 and I have never wavered on this

Oh, and on a more practical note, Santa only brings one present per child, Mom and Dad buy all the rest. THAT's why you can't have an infinitely long list.


Active Member
wow I didn't think anyone told the truth about Santa!!
that just seems weird to me not to let them believe in Santa
All the other kids would give them a hard time.....LET THEM BELIEVE!!!!!