Originally posted by unleashed
one reason i do keep mine at 82F is for decreasing the possabilities of an ich outbreak.when i first started this hobby I got a mild case of ich on my puffer fish ,as everyone knows you cant treat puffers with coppper i had to use salinaty method.I was told by quite a few so called fish experts(i only say so called because i dont know their schooling and such) during hyposalinaty you should increase the temp to the highest poss the fish can stand .some can go as high as 88F butt thats realy pushing it.ich from what i have read thrives more in the cooler waters vs warmer there for I keep mine at a higher level.that is not to say fish in warmer water cannot contract ich.it just gives them a smaller chance.especially during hyersalinaty treatments
Thats odd, I was under the impresison that ich was more prevalent in higher temps. I also had a small ich outbreak with my trigger and lowered the temp of the tank, because I read(not sure where) that ich is more likely to breakout at higher temps. I lowered the temp a bit (from 82 to 79)...ich went away and no issues since. I now keep my tank at 79-80