Temp problem


I have a Coralife Deluxe Lunar Agualight with 2 65watt 10,000K day lights, 2 65watt 420nm actinics and 4 3/4watt 470nm LED moon lights on my 55gal. The lights are 3.5 inches off the water surface. When the 10K lights are on my temp raises to about 84. What options do I have to lower the temp without a chiller?


Originally Posted by just fishings
Do you have a glass on the top of your tank?
Does your unit have fans in it?
Is the unit ajustable?
No glass. The unit does have fans but is not adjustable. The tank also has good flow and surface agitation. Also, there are 2 9w PCs on the fuge.


Active Member
What kind of powerheads and what size do you have? I wouldn't think those lights would heat your tank that much.


Originally Posted by earlybird
What kind of powerheads and what size do you have? I wouldn't think those lights would heat your tank that much.
I have 2 CA 2200 800 gph pumps (1 on skimmer 1 on return), a UV sterilizer w/ a 120 gph pump (not sure of brand, it's a 12v that I got from PetSmart) and a Powersweep 270 gph powerhead. The temp stays at 78 during the lunar and actinic cycles but raises when the 10K lights are on.


Active Member
How long do you have the 10k lights on for? I'm curious b/c I have the same light but haven't started yet. How big is your sump? Can you fit a fan down there blowing across the water?


Originally Posted by earlybird
How long do you have the 10k lights on for? I'm curious b/c I have the same light but haven't started yet. How big is your sump? Can you fit a fan down there blowing across the water?
My sump is 20gal. I could possibly fit a fan down there, but I already have 2 powerstrips full. I'm trying not to have anything else electrical. I live in an older house and I don't want to burn it down with all of my reef gadgits.


The tank is completely topless. I originally had glass tops but removed them a few days ago. That didn't solve the problem though. The only part of the sump that is covered is the first chamber. The water was really loud so I cut a peice of plexi to cover it. The lights are pretty high off the surface. Do you think more surface agitation would help? I could move my sterilizer pump a little closer to the top.


Active Member
idk much about UV sterilizers so I can't help you there. You sound as if you have a ton of flow. Is your tank evaporating at a fairly constant rate? You could try to aim a ph at the top and see if that helps. If not I'd consider a clip on fan that comes on with your daylight lights and let it blow the surface of your DT.


Active Member
Good deal. Try aiming another ph for a day and see what that does. Though 81 is not bad if you can leave the sterilizer pump like that permanently.
I have read all the comments and I can tell you this. With putting your pumps aimed at the surface you are only cooling the water by evaperation. Almost like sweat does to us as humans. You are going to be majorly changing your salinity daily if you don't have a top-off water valve. When I ask if you unit had ajustments I meant does the light unit have leg hieght ajustments. You need to pull your light unit off the water a little more or put your glass back on and mount a small fan to blow across it.