temp problem


Active Member
i'm concerned for the rising temperatures of summer. my tank is on the 3rd floor and as you know heat rises. the temp of my water is rising. is there any way around the arm and leg prices of water chillers?


do you use glass tops on your tank? if so you could remove them to allow for evaporation which will help cool the tank.
Do you have air conditioning? if so keep the temp at a constant cool.
you could have a fan blowing on the tank to also help cool it off, also reduce the lighting time which sometimes makes the temp rise. thats all i can really think of hope this helps. also maybe someone else will have some better ideas.


Active Member
does anyone else have temperature problems? are there any lights that don't produce as much heat? evaporation means salt in my living room. i don't understand why chillers are so expensive. does anyone know where i can find one?


New Member
We are having the same problem. The temperature is finally rising in the room (it too is on the second floor) and it seems that all that heat is focusing on the tank. We have taken the lid off to help air flow, closed the blinds, and turned up the ceiling fan. We just built a hood and are considering adding a few new holes to put in some small fans to help cool the lights so they don't add too much to the heating problem. We really don't want to have higher air conditioning bills than last year so we may close off all the other vents on that floor and leave the one by the tank open. Shutting the door may also help keep the cooler air in.
We could also use any suggestions as we really don't want to move the tank down a floor. We don't have fish yet since it is a new tank, but now would be the time to undertake the move if we have to.
Would appreciate any helpful advice from those who have experienced similar problems.
I know it sounds kinda stupid but it werked. a buddy if mine had the same problem. He got some of that clear hose from HD coiled it in a 5 gal bucket, pumped water from the tank through it, and filled the bucket with ice. He regualted the temp buy cutting down the water flow. I told him that it was crazy, but i have to say it werked!
Might be worth a try?!?!?!?!


New Member
Here's the deal with the vents. We plan on shutting off the ones on the upper floor to the areas not being used. The thermostat is on the ground floor where it is cooler so the upstairs (where the tank is) is always warmer. We have done this before for different reasons and it works.
About the ice pack idea, does that affect your heater at all? do you get large temperature shifts or does it maintain a fairly steady temperature? Not a bad idea.

sal t. nutz

When you say it's getting too hot, what are you considering too hot? 85 is still fine as long as you keep heaters in it at night to keep it at 85 at night also. You just don't want varing temps, you want them to reamin steady. But many people used to think that it had to be 78 and you will find most reefers now keep their tanks in the 82-85 range and are reporting much better results. the tropical climates that our fish and corals come from have water temps well above 78. Usually in the mid to upper 80's.


also with the evaporation the salt is left behind its not going to leave deposits around the room except a little on the tank.


I have fans in my canopy that turn on with the MH.
I also have fans in my cabnit, I do have a lot of of evaporation with the fans, but it at least keeps the water temp even.
I live in Arizona so it very warm, I also keep my AC at a cooler temp. Have to keep the fish Happy.


Active Member
mid 80's. not real high right now but it's only april. i can only imagine the problems i will face in june, july, and august. just trying to forsee it and find a solution before it gets worse. i will be running the air conditioning once it stays warm but even then, the third floor where my aquarium, as well as my living room is, always stays warmer than the 2nd and 1st floors.


I bought an oak hood and had 660 VHOs mounted into the hood. Took it home and the water was instantly 85 degrees and climbing. I went to Radio Shack and got 2 115v fans, cut two holes on either side of the hood and mounted them. One blowing air in, one blowing air out. Worked really well. Actually too well. I have been having a problem keeping my temps up. It created a "natural" wave across the top of the water so it actually aids in moving the water. I haven't had any major evaporation either.
Just my solution. Cost was about $30.
Not too shabby. I also heard it should aid in my bulds lasting longer since they don't get to hot. We'll see. I sure hope so!!