Temp question


:help: Hello everyone now that we are hitting 113 here in AZ my tank is running at 86 is this to high of a temp or do I need to get a chiller for it. Plus how much heat do chillers put off in the room do you need to vent it outdoors or not.
Thank you for any and all answers you may have


Active Member
86 is ok IMO but it doesn't leave you much room. Personally I wouldn't let it get over 86...
Not sure on the chiller heat??


:) Hey, just curious, have you developed any algae problems with your water temp that high? It seems like if my water temp goes above 74 degrees, I start getting a major outbreak of hair algae, never been able to figure that one out, :notsure: so I keep my temp at 74 or lower. Just curious, hope you don't mind the question. :)


No I have not yet just started getting hot here 108 at 5 pm I have a 135gal what kind of a chiller can I get cheap I've seen soom for 550 good up to 180 10deg pulldown.


I looked quite a while to find a chiller at a reasonable price. Ended up with an Aqua Medic Titan 1500 1/2hp for $550. Haven't received it yet, but I think it will do great on my 135g tank. I had heat problems from my MH lights and had a serious algae outbreak as my temp was getting up to upper 80's. Fans have helped, but the chiller will be better.

bang guy

Are you able to cool down the room? Sometimes it's actually cheaper to cool the whole room vs cooling off the water.


I saw a tank where a guy bought a small ($100) college dorm type fridge and drilled 2 holes in it. Then ran a pump off his sump with 3/4 plastic hose and coiled it in the fridge and ran it back into the tank. Adjusted the setting in the fridge to the right temp and it works well. keeps his reef at 77.