80 degree's is not bad. You want to keep your tank between 78-84. this is the catch. the temp should not swing more then 2 degrees. that is were the most harm is done. for examp. during the day your tank is 80 and at night it drops to 76. this is back or if it goes from 80 to 86. this is bad. what you want to do is make sure your temp is Stable. I would plug your heater back in and set it so it turns on when the temp drops to 79 and turns off at 80. Your AC should keep you tank from raising past 81~82 (I hope). I think you may want to look at other things like ICK. Remember ick does not affect inverts. so coral/shrimp/crabs/fether dusters will not get ick. only fish. I would keep the tank fishless for 4 -6 weeks and QT a fish for the same time in Hypo. I hope this was of help