

New Member
hello everyone
my question is. What is the perfect temperture for a reef tank. I guess this is a stupid question. right now my tank is running around 77 Degress. the reason i ask this is becauce i have a leather coral that is not opening up. anyone have any help. How hard are leathers to keep.
alk 11-12
no3 1-1 1/2
amo 0
cal 400
2-96 watt pc lights


Active Member
In general, leathers are very hearty and easy to keep. What type do you have? Toadstool leathers will not expand while they shed a waxy film once in a while. This will usually lasts for 1-3 days and is quite normal. Blast it with a PH to blow off any exess wax.
As far as temp goes 77 degrees is fine IMO. I keep mine in the 78-80 range. HTH
mine temp stays between 77-80. if a toadstool leather is what you have don't really worry about it closing up it will open. i've discovered that they're pretty moody. when mine sheds it will stay closed for about 4 days. kinda gets annoying sometimes but ohwell i gotta live with it. i love it, it's really pretty when it fully opens.


Active Member
What is the pH running? Most leather are sensitive to pH swings and will not produce polyps if the pH is low....


Active Member
Ok let's try this again... not Powerhead but what is the pH of the water 8.3?? 8.2??? or 8.1??? lower???
As I said the pH affects the production of polyps and the extension of the coral... sorry for the confusion with the caps at the start... fat fingered it.