Tempature problem


With the crazy heat latly my tank water has been up the wall. How can i cool my tank down. I do not have a chiller. Should i just put cold R.O water in the Tank or Ice cubes. Idk i just need some tips.


As reefreak29 said, there are a number of cheap to moderately priced fan units that can be installed on the sides of sumps or aquariums to fan over the water. However, if it is really hot then this may not do too much.
I wouldn't recommend cold water changes since my friend tried that and the shock killed some of his fish. However, if you do cool water changes carefully or gradually it may work for a while. Also, unless the ice cubes are made of salt water, the number needed may dilute the water.
There are plans on some sites for DIY chillers made from tubing and mini refrigerators but as I said, it really depends on how hot it gets where you live. It gets 95 degrees inside my house during the summer so I HAVE to have a chiller. If it doesn't get that hot where you are, fans, ventilation, and perhaps slowly adding cold water may cool your aquarium. Hope this helps,


thanks for the help guys. Yea my cleaner and hermit crab died and i beleive its cause of the heat. The last thing i want is anything dieing. RIght now i have a Rena Filstar xp4 but i was told i should look into getting a sump insted because of the heat problem and other problems i might face with a canister.


I went out and got a $200.00 window unit for the aqurium room. I t was just enough to take the edge off.


You can float bags of ice in the tank, make sure they don't leak though. Others have froze plastic pop bottles filled with water and use them, the bags would do while you wait for the bottles to freeze.
Make sure you leave room in the bottles for the water to expand.


true. Thanks i will have to do that. One day i will get a chiller hhaah. But i guess i have to innovate till that day


OH GOD HAHAH UMMM MY Thermo only goes up to 86, and it was at 86 and gold. So probably above that. The heat has been brutal over here latly. But the crabs lived and so did all my tangs and clowns. I turned the heater off and i still couldnt get the temp down till i went with ice cubes haha. cause i was very worried


My temp was also too high even in an air conditioned house (water temp. 83).
I experimented with removing my glass top, I know, watch for jumpers, and so far it dropped to about 77 deg.
I guess the only drawback is evaporation!
But my lighting looks better!


Originally Posted by JimVette1
My temp was also too high even in an air conditioned house (water temp. 83).
I experimented with removing my glass top, I know, watch for jumpers, and so far it dropped to about 77 deg.
I guess the only drawback is evaporation!
But my lighting looks better!

You can buy egg crate at any local hardware store and cut it to fit your tank. It allows for ventilation, good lighting, and prevents jumpers from exiting the aquarium stage right,lol.


aahhah yea man i had jumpers when i had my fresh water tank which i wasnt happy about but you know it happeneds, but now its 80-100 dollar jumpers hahahah no thank you!


Active Member
And for AC window unit you could get a temp controller to power it on and off according to tank temp (110v unit). But there again, temp controller at $100+ and window unit at $145 there abouts for small one you are nearly at the price of a small chiller.
If your tank room isn't too large but your tank is over 50gl the window unit/controller may be more cost effective though if the tank is near to the AC.


yea true. I never thought i would have this problem. I thought i would have to worry about the water being to cold ahha, but its really the other way around.