Temperature of your tank anyone ?


New Member
I have a FO tank and was wondering what is an ideal temperature to keep it? I have mine between 77-79 degrees. I seems to vary at night to 77, and daytime to around 79.
Is this alright?
The bright lights are adding a lot of heat...even with the canopy open.
Fish are doing great, but am a little worried that it MAY be a bit warm or too cool.


Good Morning:
What size tank and kind of lights-just curious. IMO your temps are ok but I'm wondering why you have a varing temp. - Lights off 77 then on after a while 79? Being winter at the moment our house is about 74 making my heater do the work to 78. My 260 watts of light are PC and don't have much effect on my tank as they sit on top and are divided away from tank by glass closure and light hood enclosure. Different thermometers read a couple deg. differently. A good qual. heater will also be more consistant than a cheaper one.
I used to fight that for years then became very happy with the $40.00 variety. They are dead on. Good water flow will also equalize tank water heat. Do you use one or two heaters? I also like to have my heater by the return line of my filter. As the heater comes on the heated water is pulled away into the filter but immediately redistrubuted back into the tank by overflow in a fast mixing motion allowing better, quicker distribution of heat. If the heater were to be by itself say in a corner and not as much flow it might heat up the surround water then shut off thinking the job was done for a while and so on.
Just a thought:)


By the way your fish only could be perfectly happy at 74 Deg. or anywhere up to 80 Deg. Their metabolism is just faster or slower.
I like them driving along at 78.:jumping:


I run mine at 79, but at night my heater works alot harder because i let me house get down to about 69 at night. Nice and cool...