Temperature, plastic like cover, and orange diamond goby help...

Ok so Im having some temperature problems. Its getting up to 82 degrees during the day with the lights on and am reading conflicting reports on if thats ok or not.
1. Is 82 ok?
2. If I take off the cover will that help keep the temp down? (never had temp problems before adding it.
3. If I change to egg crate will that be sufficient to keep my diamond goby from jumping to his death? (that is my main concern)


Active Member
Originally Posted by NewSaltWater
Ok so Im having some temperature problems. Its getting up to 82 degrees during the day with the lights on and am reading conflicting reports on if thats ok or not.
1. Is 82 ok?
2. If I take off the cover will that help keep the temp down? (never had temp problems before adding it.
3. If I change to egg crate will that be sufficient to keep my diamond goby from jumping to his death? (that is my main concern)
82 is fine for the fish. As long as it doesn't get higher than 84 than you are good. If you take off the cover it would help cool down the tank. What kind of lighting do you have?
T5s (4x54 ind. reflectors). I also have some zoas, some mushrooms, soon a xenia a pair of clowns and a royal gramma. Is the 82 ok for them too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NewSaltWater
T5s (4x54 ind. reflectors). I also have some zoas, some mushrooms, soon a xenia a pair of clowns and a royal gramma. Is the 82 ok for them too?
82 should be fine. The only reason I asked for your lighting was because I thought you might have metal halides. If you want to you can put a fan over the tank, but you should be fine with 82.


Active Member
It's not the "82 degrees" that would be the problem. It's the fluctuation. You said "it's getting up to 82 during the day". So what's the low temp.? If you are having swings in the temp., this can cause serious stress and other problems with the fish. Although 82 is on the high side, it is not going to kill your fish, IF you are maintaining this temp.
As far as the eggcrate, your DG should be okay with that as long as all the nooks and crannies are covered with it. If you switch to eggcrate, direct a fan at the top surface of the water, and put it on the same timer as the lights (comes on/off in conjuction with the lights). This should help stabilize any major temp. swings.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
It's not the "82 degrees" that would be the problem. It's the fluctuation. You said "it's getting up to 82 during the day". So what's the low temp.? If you are having swings in the temp., this can cause serious stress and other problems with the fish. Although 82 is on the high side, it is not going to kill your fish, IF you are maintaining this temp.
Exactly, my tank is always 81. That was my high during the day and I simply set my heater to keep it at that temperature all day long


eggcrate is good. I recently had temp issues with new lighting. So I took off the glass lid and put a smart fan "temp sensitive" on the set up pointed at the water and temp went from 82 to 79 day 78 night. The fan speeds up and slows down acccording to temp.