

I'm hoping someone can help me.
I've had my tank for 6 months or so. The temperature has been right around 75 degrees the entire time. My tank has spiked to 82 degress the past few days - probably because it's getting warm outside.
I need to get it back down, but I don't have the money to buy a chiller.
I have ice cubes made from ro water. I'm thinking I could put those in the sump to help cool things down. Is that a good or bad idea?
Any help would be appreciated.
If your tank is fluctuating temp. from 75-82 degrees then that is bad.You need to find a way to keep it stable regardless what the temp is outside.You can use icecube in a zip lock bag in your sump to lower the temp.,but thats a temporary fix.
82 is not a bad temp for a reef.You can keep it at 82 if you like.


Originally Posted by reeffreakgeek
If your tank is fluctuating temp. from 75-82 degrees then that is bad.You need to find a way to keep it stable regardless what the temp is outside.You can use icecube in a zip lock bag in your sump to lower the temp.,but thats a temporary fix.
82 is not a bad temp for a reef.You can keep it at 82 if you like.

Yea. 82 may not be that bad, but it hits 110 degrees here in the summer. If it's already fluctuating in March, I'm kinda concerned about what will happen in July.