temporary holding tank for LR


New Member
What is a typical DIY setup for making a temporary holding tank for some LR?
And how long would you keep the LR in the temporary holding tank (coming out of an existing reef tank and eventually going into a new tank)?


Active Member
Originally Posted by big_money
What is a typical DIY setup for making a temporary holding tank for some LR?
And how long would you keep the LR in the temporary holding tank (coming out of an existing reef tank and eventually going into a new tank)?
Tupperware bucket or a trash can.
If its coming out of a pre exsisting tank there is no need to not put it in right away.


New Member
I guess my question is more "how long CAN you keep LR in a holding tank?".
I want to clear out some space in the old tank, but I'm not ready yet to setup the new tank. What would I need to do to keep the LR "alive" for 2-3 weeks?


Active Member
Originally Posted by big_money
I guess my question is more "how long CAN you keep LR in a holding tank?".
I want to clear out some space in the old tank, but I'm not ready yet to setup the new tank. What would I need to do to keep the LR "alive" for 2-3 weeks?
A power head for water movement, and a water heater. Thats it, that'll do ya. Oh, you could throw a light over top, but its not necessary.


Active Member
plus you are going to want to try to keep them exposed to the air as little as possible and moniter the amonia,trites and trates temporary tank to make sure your rocks dont begin to cycle again.


I owuld be surprised if they cycled at all or not of suffieint concern if they are pulled imediately from an existing setup and placed imediately in a holding tank.......with aeration and a heater etc...There really shold not be any die off tobe concerned with.. Any container that is large enough and clean, to hold your rock is fine. Rubbermaid or tupper ware or a cheap aquarium etc, trash cans etc all work fine.


Active Member
I used a real big plastic picnic cooler with a drain plug on the side. It doesn't weigh much, it's unbreakable, it has heavy duty handles, the plastic is human consumption use grade, you can clean it to spotless condition with a damp paper towel, the lid seals pretty tight so no spills when you move it, and, an OTB fits on it perfect. I used Biochem beads in my dt wet/dry's and kept 1 bag just laying by the pump and would rotate them during regular maintanance. When I set up the cooler, I'd just throw the cycled Biochem bag that wasn't in the tray stack in an Auquaclear and I'm done.
You can get coolers on wheels too. It's a reefmobile!