temp's at 84, will inverts be ok?


sinner's girl

the ac was off; the temp is at 84! normaly at 78. the change took place b/w 12 and 7.
saw the shrimp he looked ok, the fish were slow to eat but they did eat, i saw the stars but didn't see them move.
I know how to cool a tank was covered but i don't remember what was said.
will this work:
turn off half the lights? (leave only lights on one side on?)
maybe switch day/night (have lights on at night when it's cooler and off during the day?)
put a fan facing the tank?
take the glass top off?
put their top off water in the frig? (though i'm not sure this is a good idea...)
just turned the ac on and i opened a window (it's cooler outside) i hope that helps cools the tank. guess i'll find out tomorrow if anyone's dead.
(sorry so long!)
thanks (and if you know where this had been answered just point me to it)

sinner's girl

cool, I'll put a jug in the freezer when i get there tonight. does the tank have to be watched with the jug in it? how much water displacement would there be? (no sump)
that will work for when i'm there, but what about long term? like when we're out of town?


the displacement will be the size of what ever you put in the tank that goes below the water line. just turn the lights off and dont worry about lighting until you get the temp under control. when the water temp gets high i would also not worry about feeding the fish either that just adds to the amonia.

sinner's girl

The temp was at 82 last night and 80 about an hour ago. the ac has been left on.
"when the water temp gets high i would also not worry about feeding the fish either that just adds to the amonia"
how does temp effect amonia?
any ideas on keeping it cool? after this week we'll move stuff around so that the vent in front of the tank is uncovered.
We don't have ac and over the summer our tank reaches 84 also. Nothing has died because of it but it still is not good. Floating the ice was a waste of time don't bother.
It melts in about 2 minutes and only drops the temp by 1 degree with about every four continuous bottles of ice.