Tenecor Aquariums ?? Anyone hear of them...


Active Member
Yup, they are a major manufacturer of acrylic tanks. We sold them at the LFS I work at. Always relatively more expensive than a glass tank of the same size, but often had a very different look. Handy if you want an "all in one" filtration, though you sacrifice a lot of room to the filtration and are limited in modifications. But overall it seem to be of good quality.


If you go to their website they now have sumps under the stand which they call there marine ready line.
You were talking the simplicity line which you can get cheaper from other companies but I'm skeptical about them.


Active Member
Yeah, that would make sense. At the time I sold them, the simplicity line was a big thing because the draw was the all in one. Since then refugiums etc have made a major resurgence and so the under cabinet sumps are probably now more popular.


The marine ready line didn't seem that limited in what you can do. It was the simplicity line that was limited I beleive.
Check it out and let me know what you think of the marine ready line


Active Member
Their overall tank build the access of the top of the tanks are poor IMHO, and need to be revised......For the kind of cash you'll spend on their tank you could have a real custom made tank done a heck of alot nicer.......