Tenecor Tanks


New Member
Tenecor is the Mercedes of acrylic tank manufacturers. I run an LFS which tanks are all mfg from Tenecor and my current home tank is also Tenecor. If you are thinking acrylic you should look no further then Tenecor. If you call them ask for Dustin.
Good Luck, Jack


I have a 110 gallon and it's cr*p. I wouldn't recommend them at all. It warped, the door broke off the hinges. Yes...lifetime warranty but their customer service stinks. They won't help. If you talk to them tell them Beerman says "*!^$ you".


Active Member
as far as mass produced tanks they are the best but in general- they are built rather poorly and some have a very bad design. i have had 3 customers tell me that the seal blew somewhere in the tank - plus they are acrylic which scratches easy bith inside and out- if you are set on acrylic i would contact a custom manufacturer who does large show tanks- or just buy an oceanic for a fraction of the cost and it will last longer;)