Tennessee Aquarium


New Member
i was just wondering if anybody has ever been to the tennessee aquarium? I went for my birthday saturday and it was awesome. I wish that i would have seen more saltwater fish but it's okay? Does anyone know of any other big aquariums?:joy:


Which Tennessee Aquarium? I have been to the Chatanooga one and the Ripley's Gatlinburg one is one of these the one you are talking about?


Well-Known Member
I've been to Chatanooga. Really really awesome and the world's largest fw aquarium. 3D i max is awesome also.
tip4130 (or was it bang_guy) had a thread on a chicago aquarium. Had some nice pics in the thread. Perhaps they could bump it up.


i have been to the Ripley's in Gatt. I thought it was great!
the aquarium in Chicago is called the Shedd Aquarium. The one in New Orleans is also supposed to be great, I am checking it out in two weeks. I have a friend who used to work at the aquarium in galvaston, tx. it is a pretty big one, supposed to be really nice also.
i imagine that you could make quite a vacation visiting all the public aquariums around.


The Gatlinburg Aquarium has tons of Saltwater fish. I think I seen every species of Tangs and Angels and anything you could imagine.


i have been to the tennessee aquarium in chattanooga, it was quit intesting the first couple of times then it gets boring, had fun though last year when i went AGAIN with biology, we just goofed around and tapped peoples shoulders in the dark halls
but the fish there now that i get to thinking about it is awesome, just didnt like the escalator thing too much:nope:


I just visited the aquarium in Chattanooga and was a little disappointed. The seahorse display is AWESOME:happy:, and IMO you should save it for last instead of first like they suggest. The rest of the aquarium consists mostly of blandly colored fresh water fish, and one large display of salt water fish from the Gulf of Mexico that weren't very pretty. They try to make up for the lack of color by letting the fish become enormous. I saw several FW fish that were 3 plus feet, and a puffer that was at least 2 feet, but I thought many of them also looked pretty fat, and not in a good way. I have no problem if an aquarium wants to have a fresh water theme, but there were no Cichlids, Discus or other FW fish that are more interesting to look at. If you visit this board, you will probably enjoy this aquarium, however, if you think FW fish are ugly ducklings compared to SW fish, there are many other aquariums in the states that you will like more.
BTW, if you go on a weekend, there will be plenty of kids and you will here the word Nemo uttered every 3 seconds while looking at the seahorse displays. :help:


hey neowimd were gonna be in pigeon forge in november weve been through all the travel brochures and found most everything. but its like they dont want to tell you about any caverns and i know there are some up that way. is there anyway you can give us the inside scoop on the caverns. and maybe some fun things to do that only locals know about. and one more thing whats the weather like that time of year
thanks alot


Where in GA are you from? Maybe we go to the same LFS :notsure:
Either way..... GA girls rock!:cheer:


I like the ripleys aquarium in Gatlinburg. they had an awesome seadragon exibit.Then there was a tang exhibit the fish where swimming in schols of about 20 like this.
:happyfish :happyfish
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish
:happyfish :happyfish


I took my children's church kids to the ripley's aqurium about a month ago to "SLEEP WITH THE SHARKS". it's a sleep over in the shark tunnel. It was awsome.
We had the entire aquarium complex to our sevles. We did a savenger hunt, made fish T-shirts wached them do the feedings and more. We had a blast. I'll post pics in a da or so i have to get them from all my staffs cameras and upload them. :jumping:


Active Member
Ive been to the New England Aquarium in Boston. It's very nice. It has a huge tank in the center about 4 stories tall. You actually walk around the tank as you make your way to the top. Each floor has exhibits and tuns of things to see. Worth the $$ to see.
The one in Dallas..... little bit of a dsiiapointment... Kind hard to be the one in Boston.