Territorial fish


New Member
I currently have a 55 gal with a Royal Gramma, Percula Clown, and a Citron Clown Goby. the RG and Clown are pretty territorial and chase the Goby into hiding most of the time. I want to get another fish but I'm not sure what fish would be able to stand up to these fish without being too aggressive. I have a FOWLR with emerald crab, SallyLightfoot, Brittle Star, and peppermint shrimp. I was thinking of a Sixline Wrasse, Yellow Cloris Wrasse, or Canary Blennie. I want to introduce more color into the tank. Would any of these be appropriate? Any other suggestions?


Get a wrasse. They are active, swim in the upper water column a lot of the time and quite easy to keep. Just be careful about the size, as they can pick on things you have in there....


six line would be a good choice and it will be very active in the tank.
To help with the addition of the new fish you might want to think about rearranging the rock work when you put in the new fish so all the fish now have to deal with establishing new territories.