Tess eel questions


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I dont normally ask alot of questions on this forum, but hubby has decided he realy wants this eel so this is more for people with agressive eel experience i got AW's oppinion already but hubby still wants this thing.http://filaman.ifm-geomar.de/Photos/...1&what=species
this is what it looks like after doing alot of searching I was able to find just one pic that resemled the eel we are getting DME i dont knopw if you have ever tried this eel or not but any info would be apreciated. ok heres the scoop on it .this is a very aggressive eel has been returned to the LFS 3 times due to the same owner sending it back everytime it eats all of his fish.so we know its not going into one of my community tanks.this eels is now aprox 2 1/2 ft long with a good size gerth to it already.id like to get an idea of how fast these things grow I have 2 smaller eels but they are ina 125 and i have no fear of either of them outgrowing that tank.but at this time all i have for the new eel is a 50 gal long.are there other eels of a smaller variety that resemble this eel?I realy dont want to have to set up a 180 tank for one fish.id like anyones experience with this type of eel


So you want an eel that can be housed in a 50 gallon for a while? How long are we talking?
Yes, the eel on that link is a tesselata. What, specifically, does your hubby like about the tess? I know what I like about it. It's huge, mean, and beautiful. Does he want something black and white, something big, something mean, all of the above? If he is just looking for a good looking mean eel, there are plenty of smaller eels to choose from. An eel that maxes out at 2' might work in a 50 gallon tank for a while.
Keeping one in a 50 when it is past 2' already is a bad idea. They get to 6' and grow fast.


Active Member
Originally Posted by boalgf
So you want an eel that can be housed in a 50 gallon for a while? How long are we talking?
Yes, the eel on that link is a tesselata. What, specifically, does your hubby like about the tess? I know what I like about it. It's huge, mean, and beautiful. Does he want something black and white, something big, something mean, all of the above? If he is just looking for a good looking mean eel, there are plenty of smaller eels to choose from. An eel that maxes out at 2' might work in a 50 gallon tank for a while.
Keeping one in a 50 when it is past 2' already is a bad idea. They get to 6' and grow fast.
i know that link is for a tess but was hoping there is an eel out there that is simular in apearance that wasnt one.hubby likes this eel because its big and mean(hes weird like that lol)Aw knows what i mean lol.we have a jeweled moray and a black moray now.from what it sounds like to me is if i do get this eel i will be upgrading again very soon.concidering i have put up and taken down 7 other tanks in the past yr (yes I still have all the fish just dif tanks)maybe i can get the LFS to take this new tank back and give me full credit for an upgrade b4 i bring the eel home ugh.my personal oppinion is, Im with you this things skeers the sh.... outta me


You're with me? lol I love the tess and really want one. Just not feesable right now. So i'm getting a smaller aggressive eel.
If your hubby wants an eel that gets 6 ft, then there isn't much you can do. I can think of a few other eels that look like the tess (black and white, mean teeth) but none that get quite as large and none as easy to obtain. Besides, what's the point? If he's dead set on a huge eel, then there's no point in finding one that looks like the tess. Either way the 50 won't work long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by boalgf
You're with me? lol I love the tess and really want one. Just not feesable right now. So i'm getting a smaller aggressive eel.
If your hubby wants an eel that gets 6 ft, then there isn't much you can do. I can think of a few other eels that look like the tess (black and white, mean teeth) but none that get quite as large and none as easy to obtain. Besides, what's the point? If he's dead set on a huge eel, then there's no point in finding one that looks like the tess. Either way the 50 won't work long.
can you send me some links to veiw pics of other type of eels that may resemble this one closely?after reading your reply I called my lfs and they said they would take back the 50 if i wanted and i can start with a 90 at least
they have it in a 70 short and has been there for a yr now so a 90 will at least be better than a 50 to start with.and yes hubby normaly gets his way lol(damn me :help: lol).but how do you tell a man no , when he doesnt tell me no. :thinking: as an easy to obtain we already have it on hold at lfs.I love eels but this particular one skeers me its so mean it attacks the glass if you touch it.


Active Member
the lfs did thnk it was a tess thats why im trying to find others that resemble this one of all the sites i visted this was the closest to what we have found so far


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Originally Posted by D0cH0liday
what do you want to know about tessa's?
DOC... no joke, I think you're my new favorite person. :cheer:


Active Member
Hey, Lynn...
You already know my opinion...dont get it.
Anyone can take one and stick them in a tank, at home, but how many people can actually afford to upgrade to a 1000gal. tank, when that thing is fully grown? You hear people getting them all the time, but they only do it cause they're "cool"...not because they have any desire to give it suitable housing, for life.
Just think...you buy it and leave it in the tank for a few years (you cant house it with anything)...then, it comes time to upgrade tanks. Are you going to try to capture a 4'+, 50lb, insanely pissed off aggressive Moray and try to move it to another tank? You're sure as hell not gonna get any LFS to take it, and 99% of public aquariums dont take donations anymore.
Tess. Morays can AND will max out at close to 8' and weigh in at 150lbs. As experianced as I am, with Moray species and with the means to even build a habitat large enough for one, I still wouldnt get one.


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Originally Posted by AW2
Hey, Lynn...
You already know my opinion...dont get it.
Anyone can take one and stick them in a tank, at home, but how many people can actually afford to upgrade to a 1000gal. tank, when that thing is fully grown? You hear people getting them all the time, but they only do it cause they're "cool"...not because they have any desire to give it suitable housing, for life.
Just think...you buy it and leave it in the tank for a few years (you cant house it with anything)...then, it comes time to upgrade tanks. Are you going to try to capture a 4'+, 50lb, insanely pissed off aggressive Moray and try to move it to another tank? You're sure as hell not gonna get any LFS to take it, and 99% of public aquariums dont take donations anymore.
well too late.. but after getting it home under different lighting we are still undecided as to the typehe is. it isnt white as it looked under there lights ill post a pic tomorrow once the water clears up more .to me it still looks like it could be a tess.as for the 50 gal we decided not to go that route either when we picked up the eel we also purchased a new 90 gal for him to start off with(good thing i got rid of my 90 huh lol and my 100 and my 120 and so on lol).so now i have a brand new 50 I havent yet decided what to do with yet so much for making more space lol
we get new tanks all the time,so its more of a matter of wanting to get a larger tank or not.as aposed to being able to.he wasnt so bad to move tonite not as aggresive as he was the other day.however they did feed him just before we picked him up.he should be hungry by tommorow he tossed his goldfish lol.one swam away when he threw it up lmao.fortunatly also we do have alot of people in this area with very large tanks if the need arises and i find him to be too much for us to handle.i have done alot of reading about them doc im just trying to be sure if the eel i have purchased is a tess or another type.at this point not knowing for sure we are more likely anticipating an upgrade with in the near future.hows the growth rate with yours?my other eels seam to have doubled size in one yr.so now my black moray went from 12 inches to 24 id just like to know in advance as much as possible to know how long before i will need a def upgrade.how large is yours now? and what size tank is it housed in.how long have you had it ect. thanx for all feedback. ps if he gets so big and i cant house him. any one up for some sushi? wasnt it you aw(and mick of course) that said my grouper would make a nice fellets some day lol j/k folks


hey i am not even trying to argue.......but.......each eel is different from the next....some are mean...some are nicer.....some are sneaky...some ae shy.....my point is from what i learned all eels are different.......my tessa is extremely docile and very friendly.......he gets along with everything......but i am not saying that all tessa's are that way a friend of mine has one that is 5 feet long in a 500 gallon tanks that is also a sweetheart....it took that eel 6 years to get that big from being a baby......my point is with controlled feeding and plenty of patience they can become excellent "pets"....(i do not know if that is the best choice of words) i not tellin every one to go out and buy a tessa.....even thought i hate it i agree with AW2 if your not planning on getting a Tank built of massive praportions......you should not consider this animal........but if your are very serious about caring for an animal like this......you must consider the amount of money and time it will cost you.....i guess anyone can say my eels or any eel is not happy in its environment.......my eels have never given me any reason to think
that the habitat i created is unreasonable....for now......well good luck with your endevor....and if you have any questions ill be happy to ablige :jumping:


Active Member
so far everything im reading is that they get 5 ft 10 in ,in captivity ok yes thats a big eel.this eel has already proven to eat anything in its tank so it will be housed alone forever .i also have read on my sites niot just one alone I do as much research as i can for anything i purchase when it comes to my fish.all of them states a minimum tank size of 180 gal .always feed my fish on a reg schedule (daily including my eels)so i do think he will grow fast also.once i get a pic posted we may have a better idea of his exact species.my LFS doesnt realy thinks its a tess and they are very knowledgable but im leaning more towards it due to resemblance of pics


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Originally Posted by D0cH0liday
does it look like the pic i posted of mine?
im trying to find th page i found the other pic i posted above they had a few differnt pic with different paterns.thats why its been so hard to find this one its not a common patern.we just set up the 90 for him tonite ( already had a 50 set up him but decided to go larger) so the water is still kinda cloudy from the sand should be clear enough come morning to get a good pic.


Tess. Morays can AND will max out at close to 8' and weigh in at 150lbs. As experianced as I am, with Moray species and with the means to even build a habitat large enough for one, I still wouldnt get one.
Even more experienced, If I was to want a tess, I would setup the largest tank I can for it for just how many here ever viewed up close one in the wild? This animal needs lots, LOTS of free swimming space and your LR would have to be huge, more then 30 lbs each and even larger and I would bolt the LR in place of where they be and I forgot, tank size, I would go with a 2500 gal or larger.
But the bottom deal here is, One must have the eels main tank all complete before it arrives and something I left out until now, for the reason why a 2500 or better is, because of all the LR, you would had killed more then half the tank of a 1000 tank because the eel lair has o be setup for its final growth size and not the juvenile it is today.
each eel is different from the next
Much there would be a difference of opinion for take the eels with teeth for mostly hunting fish and you see them and the differences would be is either there body coloration, size, its aggression behavior, to what if its a lone predator or do live in groups or pairs but at most their general basic info are all quite as the same.
I mean you read it all the time if you go to fishbase or so or Scott Michael book, all in which is general information, to put it likely, basic info. They not however tell you how to match the eels as tank mates and as well much of their info as tank size requirements are a bad opinion.
And more then on the tess moray issue, the reason in why I said in how I put its tank together by bolt with stainless steel the LR in place, for at full growth, This eels power is strong, its body will be play Ping-Pong with the LR and also know this.
In my dragon tank I have LOTS of LR and about the largest piece I say is #23 and I have a lot in the tank. now only one time I seen this happen, I was near the tanks when the male done some tail chair thing with the female and he bump the LR from underneath and all the LR jump up for a moment and returned much to the same spot they were.
I have a thing I do in trying my best to find each LR best laying place I wedge then and test as if testing a building for an earthquake. For I would have much work few times a year if I didn't.
Dragon Moray Eels


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I totalally understand what you mean to be honest I have been butting heads with hubby for that past 4 yrs about getting a large eel.getting a 2500 gal tank in my house is not going to happen in anyones lifetime.he was lucky to get a 300 in my door as for this eel in particular he has been in and out of my lfs for the past yr he came back 3 times from the same owner.the moron kept getting it back and it would eat all of its fish take it back to the LFS for a few months restock his tank and do it all over again.I kinda agreed to let hubby have it out of pitty .i was able to get a few pics hopefuly this will help with pinpointing what type he is tell me what you think tess or other?oh as for rock work i dont have much theer as of yet but what i do for safety reason I added 3 ft of 3 "pvc piping for him to use as a safe cave then placed rocks in front for looks.no worry of him being crushed


Active Member
That is absolutely, positively a Tesselata Moray...I am absolutely, positively 100% sure.


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Originally Posted by AW2
That is absolutely, positively a Tesselata Moray...I am absolutely, positively 100% sure.
yep i thought as much too.we will keep him as long as we can do the best we can for it.hubby is like totally geeked about it and im more like totally eeked :scared: here go again lol but ya have to admit he is a beauty of an eel


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now the fun part is feeding it this ones been fed gold fish most of its life so i have to get it used to dead foods .heres a list of foods im thinking for it very simular to my smaller eels but on a bigger scale of course any other things i might be missing that is a good food for him please feel free to let me know list as follows he will get all of things things in his diet
cleaned squid
fish fellets chunked raw
(sw species only)
larger raw shrimp(peeled)
if i cannot get him to adapt to dead foods i will check into bulk rates for sw feeder fish(damsels)and set up the 50 tank for damsels
my LFS does this for me if i need to .any other ideas something I missed besides telling hubby no lol