I have a freezer full of wild caught salmon that I caught this past fall plus a few other types of japanese fish fellets.
Foods in the freezer can only be so fresh for so long, I to before the end of the salmon season had loaded myself with a half dozen tail sections, but still I must feed my eels other foods and just not one or two types of seafoods, but a varity for as well if I mentione already, forgive me for I am somewhat forgetful sometimes.
I to have even octopus in my eels diet have to buy a whole #24 box in #2 packages and I left them in their packages and placed them all in double zip lock frezer bags and I do believe that some if any will be trashed before using it all because of freezer burns for one after few months or so. Its just to bad I know no one near who has eels and I might be able to either sell some the packages or give away. And I also raised my freezer to as high it goes.
as far as dead foods so far this guy isnt interested yet in them
How long you the eel? What size tank its in? How much LR ? what type of filtration system? How many and what mdels of power heads for the tanks water currents?
so I went out and purchased 15 damsels for his tank today so far hes not interested but yest was a hard day for him so he not feel very hungry until he gets fully settled in
Well, damsels are not much of a meal if this guy is few feet or so and I have to say, a tess is one of those eels that can and would feed if not the very first day, the second, not unless it is a young juvenile in which then can take up to a week if your tank had prime conditions.
I hope you never feed it feeder fish

And you idea on the feeder damsels tank and so. As I said, if the eel is still a pretty small size he may go for the damsels, but later when the eel had grown, the damsels will do little to nothing for the eels diet for when he is large enough, you need to buy the large octopus that is frozen single as well some fresh fish markets can get you the whole fresh squid as well and I would guess you know of fresh large strips of fresh fish. And you can try crab as well.