Tess eel questions


Active Member
Trust me...it wont take any time at all, before he's eating frozen.
Check out local fish markets and search for squid, octo, salmon, grouper and other wild caught, ocean fish.
Feed strips of fish and at each feed, continue to feed until it refuses more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
Trust me...it wont take any time at all, before he's eating frozen.
Check out local fish markets and search for squid, octo, salmon, grouper and other wild caught, ocean fish.
Feed strips of fish and at each feed, continue to feed until it refuses more.
i have all of that in my freezer already minus octo i keep fully stocked freezer of fish foods
in fact i keep so much fish food in my small freeze i keep our food in a chest freezer and every time the kids look in the small freezer they say mom dont you have anything besides fish food to munch on in here lol or can we have some shrimp lol


Check out local fish markets and search for squid, octo, salmon, grouper and other wild caught, ocean fish.
Any fresh salmon at this time of the year will be farm raised and not wild caught.


Active Member
I have a freezer full of wild caught salmon that I caught this past fall plus a few other types of japanese fish fellets.as far as dead foods so far this guy isnt interested yet in them so I went out and purchased 15 damsels for his tank today so far hes not interested but yest was a hard day for him so he not feel very hungry until he gets fully settled in.i made arrangments with one of our LFS's to get bulk purchases of damsels at a much better price still not as cheep as goldfish but at least they will be better for them,also he can eat at his leisure.we have decided to use the 50 gal to house feeder damsels.it will just be amatter of time until he adjust but ill do what i can until he does come around.


I have a freezer full of wild caught salmon that I caught this past fall plus a few other types of japanese fish fellets.
Foods in the freezer can only be so fresh for so long, I to before the end of the salmon season had loaded myself with a half dozen tail sections, but still I must feed my eels other foods and just not one or two types of seafoods, but a varity for as well if I mentione already, forgive me for I am somewhat forgetful sometimes.
I to have even octopus in my eels diet have to buy a whole #24 box in #2 packages and I left them in their packages and placed them all in double zip lock frezer bags and I do believe that some if any will be trashed before using it all because of freezer burns for one after few months or so. Its just to bad I know no one near who has eels and I might be able to either sell some the packages or give away. And I also raised my freezer to as high it goes.
as far as dead foods so far this guy isnt interested yet in them
How long you the eel? What size tank its in? How much LR ? what type of filtration system? How many and what mdels of power heads for the tanks water currents?
so I went out and purchased 15 damsels for his tank today so far hes not interested but yest was a hard day for him so he not feel very hungry until he gets fully settled in
Well, damsels are not much of a meal if this guy is few feet or so and I have to say, a tess is one of those eels that can and would feed if not the very first day, the second, not unless it is a young juvenile in which then can take up to a week if your tank had prime conditions.
I hope you never feed it feeder fish :( And you idea on the feeder damsels tank and so. As I said, if the eel is still a pretty small size he may go for the damsels, but later when the eel had grown, the damsels will do little to nothing for the eels diet for when he is large enough, you need to buy the large octopus that is frozen single as well some fresh fish markets can get you the whole fresh squid as well and I would guess you know of fresh large strips of fresh fish. And you can try crab as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DME
Foods in the freezer can only be so fresh for so long, I to before the end of the salmon season had loaded myself with a half dozen tail sections, but still I must feed my eels other foods and just not one or two types of seafoods, but a varity for as well if I mentione already, forgive me for I am somewhat forgetful sometimes.
I to have even octopus in my eels diet have to buy a whole #24 box in #2 packages and I left them in their packages and placed them all in double zip lock frezer bags and I do believe that some if any will be trashed before using it all because of freezer burns for one after few months or so. Its just to bad I know no one near who has eels and I might be able to either sell some the packages or give away. And I also raised my freezer to as high it goes.
How long you the eel? What size tank its in? How much LR ? what type of filtration system? How many and what mdels of power heads for the tanks water currents?
Well, damsels are not much of a meal if this guy is few feet or so and I have to say, a tess is one of those eels that can and would feed if not the very first day, the second, not unless it is a young juvenile in which then can take up to a week if your tank had prime conditions.
I hope you never feed it feeder fish :( And you idea on the feeder damsels tank and so. As I said, if the eel is still a pretty small size he may go for the damsels, but later when the eel had grown, the damsels will do little to nothing for the eels diet for when he is large enough, you need to buy the large octopus that is frozen single as well some fresh fish markets can get you the whole fresh squid as well and I would guess you know of fresh large strips of fresh fish. And you can try crab as well.
well as you may have guessed by now im not one for skimping or cutting too many corners when it comes to fish foods .my fish food bill each month as it stands already is 200 a month.I did however chose damsels as live feeders due to the price and also the durability of them.im not abput to empty my reef tank of fish for him to eat lol.I keep a large variety of foods just for my fish the list I placed above are foods i keep readily available and fully stocked at all times for my larger aggressive fish.he will be offered one of these foods daily until he comes around to eating then the foods will be fed alternately I am a firm beleiver of variety and I do practice what i have preached about nutrition.hes so used to junk food(goldfish)and I will be the first to admit he was not properly acclimated due to his aggression.very stressfull day indeed.most people freak when the see the list of foods I feed my fish ona daily basis this guy will be spoiled too(one reason my LFS sold him to me at the price i got)


Im sorry, I think I readied that you feed the tess on the daily bases? If so, this is not a good idea. To best give you of some insight on this, I feed both my pair of goldentails and dragon moray once a week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DME
Im sorry, I think I readied that you feed the tess on the daily bases? If so, this is not a good idea. To best give you of some insight on this, I feed both my pair of goldentails and dragon moray once a week.

It may be better to explain why feeding once a week is bad, instead of just saying "I only feed mine once a week" and implying that's the written in stone rule about feeding Morays...that gives no "insight", at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
It may be better to explain why feeding once a week is bad, instead of just saying "I only feed mine once a week" and implying that's the written in stone rule about feeding Morays...that gives no "insight", at all.
DME and I talked for a while and he explained to me why its best to only feed once a week vs daily feedings my other eels are housed with fish that get fed on a daily basis so if they are hungry they will eat daily but small amounts.as for feeding the tess on a weekly babis due to his meing housed basicly without other large fish to share foods I do understand the principal of the idea and how he explained it to me makes perfect sense.as far a feeding him daily i will attempt to get him to feed daily until he does so then i will get him on a more suitable schedule for him so i dont end up over feeding.


It may be better to explain why feeding once a week is bad, instead of just saying "I only feed mine once a week" and implying that's the written in stone rule about feeding Morays...that gives no "insight", at all.
Young Mr AW, I had told you of it all to often, even in a one on one conversation. So perhaps you care to share some insight on it other then instead pasting comments only?
Please, don`t try any cuteness and as unleashed said, I told the member in why it is and that unleashed has a good many fish in with the eels and makes it all that more difficult in feeding any the eels on a time program. For as you yourself I said that and many the fish was lost making it a bit more controllable in your eel feedings.
For remember I asked you in how you see it on over feeding? You only put it in a not so understanding way that people would not think twice about it for no hobbyist can tell of their eels body fat because it is something that can be only checked by a hands on examination and with that, would you be able to tell.
Over feeding of these eels lead to bad liver problems, such as in people. The thing within people, you can tell of body fat and such as I myself im over weight and is doing anything I can to bring my weight under control so that I may live long enough to see my Grandchildren grow up.
So for moray eels, this works quite the same and any next time Mr AW, instead of pasting comments, you explain it. For remember I said that only saying to others, you eel would collect body fat and that it in no way really give anyone a much better health picture on the idea of a moray eels in the long term.
As well I had told unleashed in our chat that will need to get the eel in a larger tank then it is in for the time being and I wish that I knew more into the tess but I can most differently believe that the eel was caused much stress up to this point in time.
Dragon Moray Eels ><{{{{">


Active Member
Cuteness, no...
I'm trying to help educate the other people, who may be reading this thread, and wondering what you were talking about.
Unleashed feeds her Tess. every day, you feed your Morays once a week and I mainly feed mine once every 2 weeks...it varies.
I just thought it might be a good idea for you to explain to the other people why it's not good to feed everyday.
We're not just having a private conversation with Unleashed here...there are other people that are reading this thread.


I will ask you not to try and make yourself look to know as much as myself for maybe in time to come, you will and that would take much researching and hands on with a large number of different eel species for reading alone not totally cuts it and throughout my life within these eels had exchanged in to keep a different moray for as well back then I had seven tanks because of the difference in the species I maintained through those decades for you know I said of this more then once, so again not look to make yourself any more experienced then you are for I had many years in keeping such creatures.
And AW, you done things like this before so not have a a complex because of things and you know I told you all I said in the last post, so you need to better adjust your attitude towards making yourself better then you really are and stop this once in a blue moon that your as better in this then myself, I told you that you will in time become more and more knowledgeable and it not honestly only takes researching in which is why I done what I did for more then 50 years and still there are things to learn and discover as yet.
I tried for a good while trying to help you in this area and a good part of the time you shown me just how appreciated you were by doing things as this or worst. I not want any discussion with you for from time to time you had shown me that at most it be wasted time which is why i not tell you of things anymore and later ask you questions to help better your knowledge for you know that I done this with you for a good while and at one point because of reasons you know about, we broke off your lessons in what I might had been able to help you with.
And after a good while because I care to educate people who seem to show a good interest in these eel species, we got back together again which was cut short for you thought I was playing games or something and I told you that we done this same thing before where I told you some and later asked you questions on it.
And that was it, trying to best help you was over with for not forget something AW, when you were in school, how did you learn anything, the teacher teaches you something and after at the end of the week or year is a test and what I tried to do with you was no differ.
Im sorry AW, but I had a lot to offer you and you knew that but I not cared to trade being as trying to teach of things for Bull. I am not mad with you or anything and I like you to be a bit respectable about it then what you just shown here. ;)


Active Member
Buddy...you and I are good friends, but for love of God, hop down off the high horse...for a little while, at least.
My posts were not intended to try to "make me look as good as you". It's assinine for you to even bring something up that is as rediculous as that.
You made a statement and left it at that. I only wanted you to expand on that statement so that other people, who might be new and reading this thread, would understand what you were talking about.
I did not explain because I didnt make the statement.
I was simply asking you to explain. I wasnt calling you out, putting you in the spotlight or doing any other childish thing, that you've described.
Now, back to your regularly scheduled broadcast, that is currently underway...
Lynn...any progress, today? How's the beast doing?


Would you please mind not saying that word?
And I will make no comments of the rest you said


I am really hoping it works out alright for you, Unleashed! It's a gorgeous animal, and if it weren't for the tank size needed to house it long term, I would get one. They are by far my favorite looking eel (that costs under $1000.
). So good luck!

My question is this: in my online research I came across the Muraena melanotis, which is from the "Eastern Atlantic ocean". It is also called a honeycomb moray, but unlike the G. favagineus, it maxes out at around 40". It's also one of the "horned" morays. Are these ever seen in the trade? I would love to obtain one!


I need to help you younger folks identify something for there happens to be a whole lot of confusion going on because it happens to be that two eels have the same common name but by their body and shape are easy to identify for as one you younger folks here said it grows to 40" and it does, but being that we have here two eels sharing the same common name it causes others to make errors in buying something that they had no idea in which if the Tess moray.
So in the like of this, I say to you who ever are having the idea to buy the honeycomb in which does grow to 40", You need to be sure that your lfs guy knows what he is ordering for you a head of time and be very careful in trying to order on line.


Active Member
those are beautiful tesses. unleashed i just want to point out that they do grow HUMUNGO look at your's already but AW2 i don't think they grow to 8 feet. i thought they max at 5.9ft or have i been looking up wrong info